Marliza (lesbian smut stuff)

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//uhh okay I'm sorry it's a little different, But this is my second story today so don't be mad thanks, also thanks for all the love this story has gotten I didn't expect that okay enjoy.(oh and i'm not going to wright in 3rd pov tell me if it's better)// 


John told me that he herd that Alex has been cheating on me with this one girl, Maria. I don't know if it is true or not but He gave me her address and i'm about to show this girl who is boss. 


ha, Alex isn't cheating on her with maria, I just wanted to see if I could start some drama so I can step in... it's harmless I swear. 


So I show up to her house, not far from mine... walking distance, that is kind of alarming but okay. When I knock on the door a girl in short shorts and a crop top shows up at the door, with really big and kind of messy hair. "hello ??" she asked. I started at her for a good 10 seconds before I chocked out a sentence "I'm Eliza ! The Girlfriend of Alexander, Have you been ... seeing him at all?". "Alexander? I never herd that name in my life, well okay In the 8th grade I knew a kid name Alexander, he was a dick though... what was the question.... do you want to sit down ?" WHy! is she bEinG NiCE my weakness ! I guess i'll just talk to her and try to get something out of her( or in her ;) ) "Do you want some tea" she said nicely. "Oh yes, any kind I love tea" 

She came back with too cups of tea and I started to drink my own cup, But I almost choked when she put her hand on my knee, "you know...I don't know This Alexander guy, but if he was cheating on you that would be such a shame, your very Beautiful and I'm sure your very smart" I put my hands in my lap, I started to get a little shy " that's very flattering t-thank you" She started to move her Hand Up and down my thigh. "do you want to take this to the bedroom?" she whispered in my ear.

(I just found out how awkward it is to wright in some ones Pov)

 When She Closed the Door She turned right around and lightly pushed me onto her bed. I felt her chest up against mine and she Kissed me, stating off lightly but soon it got more heated. She Slid her tongue into my Mouth. When we Stop we started  both breathing heavily, catching our breath . "are you sure you want to do this" she asked me, I just nodded in response . She started by taking off her shirt, she wasn't where a bra, I took off my own shirt but she took off my bra for me, as I got impatient I tore the rest of what I was wearing. She started to kiss down my neck and leaving little red marks around my chest. She Played with my nipples as she continued to kiss down my stomach. She Then Placed her Hands on my inner thighs and started to get closer to my really sensitive parts. I started to move my hips up words needing more friction. "Your getting needy aren't you" She smirked at me, God Damn it She is so hot. She started to lick up my Thigh and into my more personal area, I started to Grab at her already messy hair .She Keep Licking and toughing my body that it got to much to handle and I started to twitch in pleasure. She went back to kissing me so, I took that Time to get on top of her. 

//There will be a part 2 if people Like this one I just thought I would leave it shot since I don't really know. Anyway thank bye also the whole john thing was just for the lolz// 

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