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I have always loved the Pioneer and Victorian era. I found it all very fascinating, thrilling, and horrifying at the same time. When I was young, my friends and I used to pretend that we lived in the 1800's. We would dress up in full 1800's/early 1900's garb, and run around the yard, pretending to run from Indians, struggle to survive on the Oregon Trail, or play "house" by "cooking" with dandelion weeds and getting water from a pretend well (usually a mud puddle of some sort). Those were fun times. As I grew older, I began to read historical fiction and watched period dramas such as Little House on the Prairie and Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman.

I decided to write my own period story when I was seventeen years old. My first manuscript of this very story, Mail Order Bride, was only thirteen pages long and was missing a great deal of detail and depth into the characters personalities. So, I decided to re-write it.

I do not pretend to be good at historical fiction, nor am I entirely sure that everything is accurately represented. (Apologies to you History Buffs for my ignorant mistakes!) However, I hope you enjoy the message of the story: Blood relations does not necessarily determine who your family is. Love does.   

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