Chapter 14 - The Illness

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It had been about a week since Emily had visited the Holt's and helped Katie Holt with her housekeeping. Since then, Patrick, Emily, and Janessa's work load had lessened some, and they were able to spend a few hours relaxing, going for walks, reading, and singing together during the evenings. Janessa was set to go back to school the following week, and to everyone's surprise, she was actually looking forward to it.

On Tuesday evening, after the daily work was done, Patrick, Emily, and Janessa decided to take a short walk around their property. Janessa asked if they could have a picnic outside in the field, which Emily and Patrick readily agreed to. The spring had been unusually warm, and the weather was perfect for a short picnic in the fields.

As they traipsed through the tall grass, Patrick noticed that Emily seemed to be breathing heavier than usual. She would pause several times to catch her breath, and even then, her breath seemed labored.

"Emily," he questioned, as he helped her and Janessa over a small creek that ran through the back of their property. "Are you all right? You seem like you're having a hard time catching your breath."

Emily nodded. "I'm all right," she said, smiling comfortingly at him. "I think I just have a slight head cold. I woke up feeling a bit lethargic and achy yesterday morning. I'm sure it's nothing though," she added hastily, seeing the worried look on Patrick's face.

"Well, maybe you should have stayed home to rest, instead of wandering through the fields tonight," he said.

"Oh no, I'm all right," Emily insisted, as they stopped to lay their picnic blanket down on the ground. "Besides, I love picnics. I didn't want to miss the first picnic of the year." She smiled at Janessa, who beamed back. They got settled with their picnic food, and the three of them sat down cross legged on the blanket to eat. As Emily passed a jar of homemade jam to Patrick, he noticed that her hand was hot to the touch. He paused, set the jar down on the blanket, and immediately took her hands in his. The back of her hands were unnaturally hot, and the palms were cold and clammy. He rested the back of his hand on her forehead, and gasped with shock when he felt the heat radiating from her.
     "Emily, I think you're really sick," he said, as he felt her slightly flushed cheeks. "You're burning up. I think we should head back to the house and get you into bed. You shouldn't be out in the damp air if you're coming down with something." Janessa followed suit and felt Emily's forehead. A frown of concern crossed her small face.

Emily sighed, and gently removed Janessa's hand from her head. "You're probably right, Patrick," Emily said, sounding disappointed. "I'm sorry, Janessa. I really wanted to have this picnic with you."

"It's okay Emily," Janessa said, as she began to pack up the food. "She does feel hot, Pa," the girl addressed her father. "Let's hurry up and get her back home so she doesn't get any sicker."


That night, Emily could barely sleep. She tossed and turned. Her head throbbed and her body ached all over. Sometimes she felt hot, and then within seconds, she felt like she was freezing cold. When she did finally fall asleep, she started awake a few hours later, drenched in sweat. She desperately wanted to change into a dry nightgown. She sat up slowly, as the room seemed to spin around her. It took a moment for her eyes to focus, and she slowly tried to slide out of bed. She shakily got to her feet, steadying herself on the mattress behind her. She took a step, and nearly stumbled. She decided to wait until she heard Janessa get up, and hoped that the girl would hear her if she called out to her. Emily leaned back onto her bed. Her mind wandered lazily along inside her head. What was wrong? She had never felt this badly in her entire life. Had she been so busy with the spring work that she hadn't been taking care of herself? Or had she picked up some sort of illness from someone else? She didn't think she had been around anyone who was ill. She hadn't eaten any food that tasted bad or hadn't set right with her. Maybe it was something in the water? But no, that couldn't be it. She had been drinking water from the Miller's well since the day she arrived. Suddenly, her mind went from the clean, cozy, welcoming Miller house to the dirty, broken-down, blithe atmosphere of the Holt house. Little Tommy, who she had helped bathe.... baby Elijah, who had been in his shabby crib, crying.... the child who had brought her a cup of water...... The water! That was it. The water she had drunk must have been contaminated. She had been so focused on helping Katie Holt that she hadn't even considered that their water might be polluted. She groaned to herself. What was wrong? If their water was contaminated, what was it contaminated with? What illness did she actually have? Emily was unable to think things through any further because a searing pain ripped across her stomach. She doubled over in pain, and before she knew it, she had retched all over the front of her nightgown and her heavy quilt. Knowing that she needed serious help she wiped her face and nightgown with a clean portion of her quilt, and weakly called out for Janessa. There was no answer. She folded up her soiled quilt as best she could, and mustered up enough strength to drag herself out of bed. She opened her bedroom door, and called again.

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