Chapter 7 - The First Morning

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"Janessa. Janessa. Wake up. Come down please."

Janessa rubbed her eyes and glanced around. It was light outside. She had no idea how long she had been curled up in the sweet-smelling hay. "I must have fallen asleep out here," she thought to herself, looking at the warm blanket that had been put over her.

Her father's voice called again. "Janessa Anne Miller, come down immediately." Janessa shifted her weight to one side. She waited a moment, then slowly began the ascent down. The child snuck a look up at Patrick. She knew what he was going to say.

"You know what you have to do now, right?" His voice sounded matter-of-fact.

"Yes," Janessa answered softly. Her voice sounded squeaky and far away.

"Miss Emily is in the kitchen. I'll be in in a minute. I have to finish choring. I'm running a bit late this morning." Abruptly, he turned and walked to the other side of the barn.

Janessa stood in the early morning light, listening to the crickets chirping and her father talking softly to the animals. She took a deep breath and slowly walked toward the cabin. The door squeaked as she opened it. She immediately recognized the sweet smell of maple syrup and oatmeal, what her father and Emily must have had for breakfast. Emily stood at the sink, busily washing the breakfast dishes. Her long hair hung down her back like a cape surrounding her. When she heard the door open, she turned around to see who was entering. Janessa stood awkwardly in the doorway, unsure of what to do. Emily surveyed the child. She was quite a sight - dirty, tearstained face, disheveled hair, crumpled bow, and grubby dress. The young woman decided to speak first.

"I saved some breakfast for you." She motioned to a bowl on the table. Without a word, Janessa walked to the table and pulled out her screechy chair. She ate her oatmeal silently, while Emily busily washed the rest of the dishes. She had to get up, once, to retrieve the maple syrup at the counter by Emily. She quickly grabbed it, and sat back down at the table.

Several minutes passed. Janessa took her empty bowl and, sliding it under Emily's arm, set it in the wash basin. Emily turned and looked at the child. "Done?" she asked, not unkindly. "How can she act so normal when I was so cross with her on her first day here?" Janessa marveled to herself. But she only looked up at the young woman and nodded her head.

"Good," Emily said. She turned again and washed the bowl that Janessa had placed in the basin. Janessa stood next to her, awkwardly shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Emily, noticing the small form still beside her, turned to look at the youngster again.

"Did you need something?" she asked. Janessa fidgeted with her crumpled dress and glanced hesitantly up at Emily.

"Uh, well, sorry, uh, sorry for shoutin' at you earlier. I was, uh, very....rude." The girl blushed a deep shade of pink, and stared at the creases in the floor. Emily put her hand on the child's slim shoulder.

"It's all right, Janessa." Janessa still kept her eyes on the floor. Emily tipped her small chin and looked her straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry that I have to be here to disrupt your life. You do not in any way have to see me as your mother. You may call me Emily just like your father does. I'm only expecting you to give me the same respect you would anyone else. Okay?"

Janessa nodded mutely. "Okay," Emily responded, smiling at the girl. "Now, if you want, I'll heat some water for you to take a bath. And I'll also wash your dress." She looked pointedly at the crumpled fabric. Something close to a smile flickered across Janessa's face, but disappeared as quickly as it came. "Okay. Yes - please. And - thank you," She stammered, ending her sentence in a rush. She then went outside to begin filling the large tub with water from the pump. Since it was summer, she did not need a lot of hot water. Emily came outside as well, and took a bucket and began to carry water to the tub. The pump was conveniently located on the side of the house, so that it would be easy to carry water to the back and front of the house.

The two of them worked in silence. After several bucket-fulls, Janessa thumped her empty bucket down onto the ground. "That's enough," she said to Emily. "I don't use a lot of water." Emily nodded, and went inside to get the pot of hot water. She was surprised when she came outside to find that Janessa had already undressed and was waiting patiently by the tub. Janessa did not seem to be bothered by her lack of clothing, nor the fact that a complete stranger had seen her unclothed. She comfortably got into the tub and mixed the hot water in with the cold.

"How's the temperature?" Emily asked, after getting over her initial shock.

"Fine," Janessa replied.

"All right. I'll leave you to it, then," Emily said, handing the child a small bar of soap and a towel. She glanced once more at the odd little girl, shook her head, and turned towards the house. She suddenly paused, and turned again to address the girl.

"Janessa," she asked. "Do you need any help? Are you able to wash your hair by yourself?" Janessa's nostrils flared out for a moment, and her blue eyes narrowed.

"I can do it by myself," she said stiffly. "I've been doing my hair since my mother died when I was five." She looked defiantly at Emily.

"Okay," Emily said, not wanting to get into another brawl with the child. "You go ahead. I'll see you inside." She turned and hurried into the house.  

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