Chapter 8 - The Struggle

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"I hate you!! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!!!" Janessa shrieked, stomping both feet on the floor. This burst of anger was directed at Patrick, not Emily, as one would have guessed. One week had passed since Emily had arrived, and Patrick had informed Janessa that he had to take a day trip to Mountain Heights. He would sell some of his best sheep and a couple of his calves there. Janessa asked if she could go with him, but he said no, telling her that it would be a long, hard day.

"But I don't want to stay home," Janessa pouted.

"You will be fine. Emily is here, so you won't be alone."

"I don't want to stay with her." Janessa looked pointedly at Emily, who was leaning against one of the kitchen chairs.

Patrick stooped down to look into his daughter's eyes. "Janessa Anne, I do not have time to argue this fact with you. Please stay home with Emily and obey her. Understood?

Janessa began to whine. "No Pa, I don't want to stay here. I want to come with you!"

Patrick shook his head. "No. The answer is no. I am going to work, Janessa, and you need to stay home with Emily."


Patrick looked at his daughter in surprise and frustration. "Young lady, this behavior is absolutely unacceptable. You do not argue with your father. You obey immediately. This matter is closed."

A wave of fury rose in the small girl. Her body shook with anger. "I hate you!" she shrieked, pounding her fists on her father's chest. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!"

Patrick was quite taken aback by his daughter's outburst. He grabbed her flailing arms and pinned them to her sides. "Janessa!" he said firmly, his voice loud. "Stop it! You stop it, right now!" Janessa gulped dramatically, angry tears still running down her face. Patrick released her arms, stood up slowly, and addressed Emily. The small girl was still shaking with fury.

"I'm sorry," he mouthed. "Have a good day, Emily. Thank you for packing my lunch. I appreciate it." He smiled sadly at the young woman. Emily nodded in response, and waved goodbye. Patrick looked once again at his daughter. "Have a good day, Ness," he said quietly, but Janessa avoided his gaze.

When Patrick had left, Janessa still stood in the middle of the room. She hadn't moved. Emily cautiously walked towards her. "Janessa?" she asked. No response. She stooped down to the child's level, and looked into her stormy face. "Your dad will be back tonight. It'll be okay." She lightly placed her hand on the girl's arm.

Janessa snapped back to reality. "Don't touch me," she said sharply, yanking her arm away from Emily. She took the opportunity to catch Emily off guard, and, balling up her fists, hit Emily hard in the chest. Emily stumbled backwards, and Janessa ran out of the house, sobbing angrily.


Emily wandered out to the barn, trying to find Janessa. She had given the child a good couple of hours to cool off, but was now getting slightly worried about her. She hadn't seen or heard the child since her meltdown that morning. She absently rubbed the sore spot on her chest where Janessa had pushed her. Emily was very strong, but Janessa had shoved her hard. She wondered if she should tell Patrick about what had happened.

She soon found Janessa, who was sitting in the loft with a kitten. Janessa started when she saw Emily come up the ladder. "It's dinner time," she said to the child. "Come down and eat."

"Don't want to. I'm not hungry," Janessa mumbled.

"Well, please come down and eat something. A piece of bread, even. You need to eat." Janessa relented and silently got to her feet. She snuck a glance up at Emily. Emily saw, and looked down at her. "Yes?" she asked.

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