Behind The Walls.

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Mikoto didn't know what to think. After a couple of hours, it had sunk in that she had just watched a live man, become devoured and torn to pieces by a vicious, super fast giant. 

These.. titans.. whatever they were.. supposedly populated and wandered the entire world outside the walls.. Wall Rose..  Several layers of walls ringed the human population for miles.. the outermost wall, called wall maria, had supposedly been breached years ago.  The wall they were behind now was Wall Rose. 

The massive city that was held in a pocket of the wall Rose's structure, looked rather german in Mikoto's opinion.. European in design, a look of a city that had just reached the beginning of it's gun and metal crafting era...  horse drawn carts.. cannons, wooden and brick houses. It was like being in a renaissance fair.

And Mikoto wasn't paying to any of it.. instead.. she stared upon the face of Touma Kamijou, sitting at a chair, next to his bedside at the Military Barracks, as a man in a doctor's white coat examined him.

"I'm afraid.. there must have been trauma associated with his earlier injuries.." said the doctor. "He's in a coma right now.."

Mikoto stared with shock. "F-for how long?"

"Who knows.. days.. months.. weeks.. years? it varies." said the doctor. "I can prescribe some medicine to help keep him in healthy shape as he sleeps.. but... "

The doctor shook his head as Mikoto felt herself go cold inside. 

She took Touma's hand and held it. The pulse felt so distant.. so empty.. and yet...

"I swear I'll protect you.." Mikoto whispered. "All those times you protected me.. this time I'll return the favor. I'll make sure you wake up safe and well."

Outside the door to the room, Levi leaned against the wall, his arms folded.  His associate, a woman with tan skin, and glasses, named Zoe walked over and whispered to him.  "What are you going to tell them?"

"Nothing." said Levi. "Unless she helps to absolve some huge crisis.. the dogs in the higher ups will likely want to use her for their own gain.. somebody with her kind of power.. we'll let it slip when it's clear she can be used by us only.."

"Oi.. kinda selfish of you.. wanting to use her as the Survey Corp's own personal weapon?" said Zoe, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up.. I'm not doing it for charity." said Levi. 

"Heh, cold as ever." said Zoe.  "heehee.. just what I'd expect from you to be honest.. but.. remember.. she's only a kid."

"Tell that to the titans that are piled in a smoking charred heap outside our walls." said Levi. "Until she proves herself unworthy of my time.. she is a weapon."

"Oh, by the way, thought you ought to know." said Zoe. "the Graduation ceremony for this year is coming up soon, and there are several hopefuls I hear who want to get the big spot with us Survey Corps!"

"Who'd be dumb enough to join us?" said Levi lazily. 

"Well, there's an Ackerman.. that'll be interesting." said Zoe, winking at Levi. "And of course.. there's this one really passionate guy whose all about killing titans.. from what I hear, he's a real speech maker that one.."

"Guts can only get you so far." said Levi. "Let me know when there's somebody in there worth my time.."

"You're interested.." said Zoe with a smirk.

"Shut up."

Levi walked into the room, it was time for answers. "Time to start talking.. who are you..?"

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