Super Soldier for Humanity.

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"This.. feels weird.." Mikoto muttered, adjusting the uniform she now wore, tugging on her sleeve. 

"It fits you well

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"It fits you well." said Christa Lenz, a kind blonde haired girl who was always accompanied by her taller tan friend, another girl named Ymir, who gave Mikoto a grumpy look. 

"Er.. what does this mean?" Mikoto asked, pointing at the emblem of wings on her uniform. "I've only ever seen it on Levi.. and you guys aren't wearing it.."

"Yes, that's the emblem of the Survey Corps." said Christa. "Unfortunately.. the last person who wore these who was rather small died in the field.. they brought back her uniform.. and the thing is, they're the only ones that will fit you.. I don't think anybody this young has ever worn any uniform.."

"It'll do.." Mikoto said.. her bangs crackling.

"What are we doing?" Ymir muttered. "Sending a 14 year old kid into battle? Just what has this come to?"

"It's all the hope we have left." said Christa. "What other option do we have? They're in the walls!"

"The retreat signal was issued ages ago.. the only option we have left is to retreat.." said Ymir.

"And yet.. without the gas to fuel our ODM gears we'll run out of fuel before we even reach the next wall!!" said Christa.

"Hey." Mikoto spoke.. and the other two went silent.

"I know I'm young.." said Mikoto. "But.. trust me.. I've seen everything an adult's world has to offer.. and worse.."

"Misaka.." murmured Christa. But Ymir shrugged and sighed.

"Those eyes aren't the eyes of a scared kid Christa, give it a rest.." said Ymir. "We've got 12 minutes before the main bulk of the titans reach this part of the city.. and we'll need to get to the main garrison to refill our gas tanks-.. it's likely covered in titans.. damn.. where the hell are the Garrison troops? Aren't they supposed to be our suppliers?"

Mikasa walked in and nodded at Mikoto. "Are you ready?"

Mikoto nodded. "For now.. consider me one of your weapons. Just point me in the direction you wish to aim.. and I'll obliterate anything that's there."

Mikasa nodded, and picked Mikoto up in her arms.

"E-eh?" Mikoto blushed with embarrassment. "Er.. you don't need to..."

"Do you know how to operate a 3D gear?"


"There.. I explained." said Mikasa. "Let's go.."

"W-wait!" Mikoto stammered as Mikasa carried her out the door. "COME ON!! THIS IS EMBARRASSING!!!"

Christa glared a little at Ymir now. "Why do you carry me like that sometimes? I know how to operate a 3D gear.."

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