The Nightmare Titan.

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(fun fact. If you go on to Google Translate and type in the question "Will Levi Ackerman Ever Die?" Translate it into greek, then take the translation and re-translate it back to English, you'll get something mind blowing and true.)

"Hold still.."

Mikoto didn't say a word as Mikasa used a towel to wipe the blood off her cheek. 

They were in a house provided by the military. However, there was a catch. This place, this small cottage, was pretty far from civilization

Of course it was near the Survey Corps old headquarters. a large castle that was the perfect place to keep Eren while they were handling him.  In other words, that cottage was in the perfect position to keep an eye on Mikoto.

"I'm fine.." Mikoto said thickly.. her voice sounding muffled through her bruised cheek. "O-oww.."

"Did I hurt you?" Mikasa asked, as she stopped wiping blood off.

"N-No.. it.. it's just sore." said Mikoto. But, she then looked at Mikasa suspiciously. "Why though?"

"Why what?" Mikasa said as she began to take out bandages, sitting Mikoto down at the dining table as she began to bind her up. 

"Why would you take me in?" Mikoto asked. "I'm.. 14.. I'm not the ideal adopting age. Most parents want toddlers, cute babies. After my mom and dad died, I was moved out of Academy City and bounced around from orphanage to orphanage, fell in a few foster homes.. but nobody really wanted me.. not even my good grades made any impression.. Only Touma cared enough to talk me into re-enrolling in Academy City.. along with my friends Kuroko and a few others... "

"You remind me of myself I guess." said Mikasa.


"You have the same look in your eyes which tells me you're desperate not to lose anybody else." said Mikasa. "the pain in you, the hurt.. I guess I want to help make that go away.."

Mikoto blinked a little, then blushed, not many adults had ever been that kind to her before. "So.. I hear you joined the Survey Corps last night.. I guess... Levi's going to make me join too.."

"Are you afraid?" said Mikasa. 

"No.. of course not!" said Mikoto.

Mikasa gave Mikoto a questioning look and raised an eyebrow.

Mikoto looked down a little, she felt so embarrassed and ashamed to say this..

"Y-yes.. I am afraid. Those titans.. they're unnerving.. and the way they eat people.. it's horrible.. and disgusting.. and.. the truth is.. I never want to look at another titan.. ever.."

Mikasa nodded. 

"To have the kind of power I have.. and be afraid of something weaker than me.." Mikoto scowled and shook her head. "I disgust myself."

"No.. it proves that despite your power you have humility.. and you empathize with those who live in terror of the titans." said Mikasa. "I believe that will prove useful... and as for Levi having you join the Survey Corps.

Mikasa wore a deep scowl now.. "I'll have him pay.. for what he did to you and Eren.. that little midget needs to learn some respect.."

"Uhh.. you do know he only did that to protect me and Eren right?" said Mikoto, feeling startled. "I don't feel any grudge towards him for that.. well I was surprised and got angry.. but if I hadn't, he wouldn't have needed to hit me too.."

"Don't blame yourself.. you're a child and you're injured." said Mikasa growled. "If anything you require counseling not a beating."

"I've seen worse trust me.." said Mikoto.

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