The Female Titan

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"Shhh.. Shhh.. there there.." Mikoto smiled as she patted her horse and guided it back around on the path that was covered in rocks.

Other trainees from the 105th stared as Mikoto managed her horse with ease down the tricky  path.

Meanwhile Keith Shadis rode a little bit behind. 

'Mikoto Misaka... she's advanced even further than any of the others I've ever had in my training. Her name, while confusingly similar to another whose skill rivals her from the 104th.. has quickly earned a reputation. In the past two months Her knowledge of the ODM gear.. as well as her unusual ability to manipulate her gear with her magnetic powers, make her very dangerous in the battlefield. Her ability to think through situations intelligently and instantly learn and calculate a situation... she might be the most frightening soldier since Levi Ackerman..'

Shadis nodded. 'And I guess it should be noted her unusual affinity with her horse.. despite this however, she can get hot headed and stubborn easily.. and her power makes her prideful, as a result, she tends to stubbornly try things alone rather than work with others..'

"D-damn.." said one of the trainees. "How is every time we go through horse training, she always bonds with that brutish animal so quickly!?

Mikoto scowled at the person, patting her black mare again. "Say one more word about Dusk and I'll throw my ODM through your head."

The trainee gulped and went silent as Mikoto smiled and patted her horse again, whispering into it's ear. 

While cats definitely didn't like her due to the small electromagnetic field that always surrounded her, horses were another matter... 

"Hey.. " said Shadis as his horse caught up with Mikoto's. "Your Survey Corps Uniform has come in you know.. "

"And let me guess.. today's the day the mission outside the walls begins?" Mikoto said.

"Yes." said Shadis. "I have to say, I'm not comfortable letting you go after only 2 months with these guppies.. but you're a key part of the mission anyways.."

"It's fine.." Mikoto said. "And.. has there been any word on...?"

"He's.. still comatose.. no sign of movement.." said Shadis.

"Oh.." Mikoto bowed her head, her expression dim. "I see.."


Mikoto and Mikasa shared a silent meal that night..

Mikasa had made a few dishes that were a specialty of her own adopted mother (Eren's mother) before her untimely demise at the hands of the titans..

The food was good, and had a homely warm feeling to it.. which made Mikoto uneasy. Over the past two months, Mikasa had been her only family. Sure the other members of the Survey Corps had been exceptionally nice to her, especially Eren, (not counting the ever-grumpy Levi).. But only Mikasa fussed over her enough to pack her lunch.. or cut Mikoto's hair when it was getting a bit too long.. or journey all the way back to town for medicine when Mikoto came down with a minor cold.

Mikoto's own upbringing had been rather sparse and strangely patterned. While her parents did show her plenty of love, and she grew up in a pretty rich household.. her mother had her very young.. and her mother's occasional tendency to get drunk, plus Mikoto being boarded at Academy City most of her childhood, combined with her father's job, meant that her childhood had been surprisingly empty of parental nurturing. 

Mikoto held nothing against them, they did the best they could.. but Mikoto couldn't pretend she didn't miss the time she was four, and her mother tucked her in, smiling and putting her stuffed froggy in her arms. 

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