Chapter 8: Janja's Big Plan

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"Uhh...Janja what are we going to do now?" Cheezi asks.
"Keep quiet so I can think." Janja pacing.
"Hmm... Aha! I got it! Alright boys this is the plan that I haven't thought before, but first have Mzingo meet us here. Go! Go! Call him now! Hahahaha!" Janja commanded his fellow hyenas.
"What is it Janja? I hope it's not one of your dumb plans again." Mzingo asks lamely.


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"Simple. I just want you to call Rei-Rei and her jackal family and Mkuu and his crocodiles and meet us at the Outlands. Now." Janja commanded Mzingo.
"You could've just commanded your hyenas to call them. You will make me tired from flying and searching for them." Mzingo complains.
"You know we're not allowed at the Pridelands." Janja answers.
"Fine. I'll do it just because I owe you something." Mzingo answers lamely.

First Mzingo goes to Rei-Rei and her jackal's den. He feels like someone's watching him.
"Umm... Rei-Rei? Anyone?" Mzingo asks while shaking in fear. Then something bit him.
"Ah! Get off! Get off!" Mzingo shouted in pain.
"Dogo! Let go of Mzingo!" Rei-Rei said to her son.
"Maybe you should teach your kids some manners."
"Sorry. It's who we are. So what are you doing here?"
"Good question. Janja just told me to invite you to their den this evening."
"Hmm... I hope it's something good. Anyway we'll be there." Rei-Rei and Mzingo's conversation.

The next one was Mkuu. Mzingo noticed that Mkuu is fighting with Simba not the Lion Guard. So he quickly hid at a tree.
"That's strange. Usually Mkuu fights the Lion Guard." Mzingo said to himself. Mzingo observes them.

"Mkuu leave Hakuna Matata Falls now!" Simba shouted.
"Why should I the water here is warm and cozy. Plus free services from those two." Mkuu refused. "Please Simba, don't let these crocodile eat us." Timon shook in fear hiding behind Simba.
"I said leave! I brought my pride to attack you. So leave now. (Roars)" Simba said not giving up.

"Fine but I will have revenge next time

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"Fine but I will have revenge next time." Mkuu said before he left.

While Mkuu and his crocodiles are crawling back to their own place, Mzingo appears.

"Hello Mkuu. It seems that you always fail. But those things will change once you to the Outlands and have a meeting with us. What do you say?" Mzingo invites Mkuu.
"I don't trust you but it sounds like there's a good plan coming. I'll be there." Mkuu replies.
"Good." Mzingo said.

"Janja! Janja! I invited them already. And I saw another good news." Mzingo said.
"What is it?" Janja asks.
"A while ago Mkuu was fighting with Simba not the Lion Guard!"
"This is even better! The Lion Guard on vacation ha! This is gonna be good." Janja said.

"First we kidnap the princess. Then when Simba comes looking for her we will suddenly appear and talk to him. If he refuses we'll show him princess Kiara. Now he'll definitely give the Pridelands to me. I mean us. Pretty simple." Janja explained.

"I like it. Also the Lion Guard ain't here." Rei-Rei said.
"So does everyone agree?" Janja asks.
"Hmm... If you'll have Pride Rock, what's in it for and the rest of us." Mkuu asks.
"Anything we want." Janja replies.
"Well then I'm in." Mkuu agrees.
"Me too." Rei-Rei agrees.
"Alright then." Mzingo agrees lamely.

Will Janja's plan work? Is Fuli will come with her friends to the Pridelands? Find out.

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