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sweet 3

- sugar -

The multiple bags of food that she was carrying at the moment were extremely heavy. Recently, she had found herself catering to seven people. It was, of course, normal for her to be selling cakes and pastries, but there was a certain group of seven. Always ordering from her cafe, not to mention ordering at abnormal timing.

It was currently seven-fifty at night and the only reason she had stayed back in the cafe was to finish up an order that she received earlier that day. Those customers were very loyal to her cafe. They would always order from them once a week and if not, they would order from them twice the next week to make up for the week before. 

She knew they had to be aware of their surroundings to come and pick the orders up -they usually send a staff to collect the drinks- and she did not want to disturb them by asking them to collect it themselves at such a late hour. Even the staff have to have a break sometimes.

'I'm sure they would rather have it delivered'

Everywhere she went, everywhere she looked, nothing but those seven people were able to make it into her mind. Her usual thoughts were always filled with petty worries, which she wasn't going to do anything about due to laziness, but why? Everything she did seemed to have a link to them. Maybe it was time she learnt their names. After all, she had taken, a few weeks, of consistent orders from them.

Although they had ordered something, it sounded strange while she waited outside the door. It was too quite. What if they had gone to pick the snacks up? Ah, she should have contacted them before arriving. Well, whats done is done. Although she still could not brush aside the small feeling of worry that was slowly eating up her from the inside.

Eyes wondering down to the extra bag she carried, she couldn't wait to get home and enjoy her iced tea. She had been working much more than usual. With the unexpected arrival of an Idol in front of her store, more of their fans made an effort to drop by her shop, wanting even the slightest chance to see Jungkook again. Of course, she couldn't judge them for what they were doing. She would do the same. Well, if he were an adorable little stray puppy. 

Because of the extra work she had to complete while her boss was out, the stress was getting to her head. And so, she had create a drink using her knowledge. Most people wouldn't call the drink healthy, but if it would give her energy, it was all she needed. The iced tea in her hands had an amazing amount of sugar in it. It wasn't like she drank it everyday. In fact, it was a luxury to even have a drink such as that.

Anyways, she had been standing at the door for a good fifteen minutes and for some reason, it the hinge of the doors, judging by how old it looked-it needed oil-, hasn't made a squeak yet. deciding to quickly enter and leave, she pushed it open. 

The poor boy looked exhausted. There was no one but a certain someone laying down on the couch of the living room. He had bags under his eyes, in his hand, held a felt pen. She knew it was not her business to snoop around his things, but she couldn't help himself. He was writing a song for the famous Bangtan boys. 

She had always been good at writing, although you can't say the same when she talks. Her skill was amazing when she wrote, however, it was a different story when it came to speech. The leather covered notebook had scribbles all over the interior. Words that were crossed out. It looked like he was having trouble. So much trouble that he fell asleep. It wouldn't hurt to help him out a bit would it?


The familiar beat of his ringtone sounded throughout the lonely living room. Had he fallen asleep? Suga raised his hand up to his hair, yawned and made his way to the dining table. It appeared that one his members had gotten the food they ordered. But, the situation that his was in was quite unnerving . If they had gotten back, their bright and highly noticeable shoes would be sitting at the door. No. This time, no shoe but his were placed there. He shrugged it off, listening to his stomach that grumbled at him to get something to eat.

Digging through the bags, he noticed something that stood out. A lightly rapped, in tissue, cup. There was a sticky note on the side of it, which, he recognised was from the stack of them at the kitchen table. 

'I hope you're not so tired. It isn't good to stress yourself out too much. The drink that I set on the table has a lot of sugar in it. Sugar is source of instant energy. When it goes into your blood, it converts into glucose which, is the simplest form of sugar. Then, the glucose is absorbed by the cells of your body and produces energy. even if there is such a power drink like this, it is quite unhealthy. I hope you take care of your health and get sufficient sleep. Until next time,

~Your regular cafe worker

P.s I gave a few tips for you in your song book, I hope you don't mind.'

Ah, so it was her wasn't it? The one Jungkook and Jin were talking about. He knew about her, how could he not when they talk about her every time they order. It had never really came across his head that she would do this for him, not to mention when he was sleeping. Nonetheless, he was happy she concerned about him. 

Now, she said something about his songbook?

It seemed like she had read his lyrics, and also added a few of her own.

'If there's hellos, there's bound to be goodbyes'

A grin stretched itself across his face. She still hadn't given him, or in fact anyone of them-with the exception of the youngest-, her name yet. 

He wanted to know. After all, the lyrics she provided him were more than enough to get his engine working again. The name of the mysterious girl. 

Let me know it.

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