Chapter 1

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{Hey guys. Welcome to my new Brabrina story. My other one is called "He Broke Me" This one is totally different so I hope you enjoy.}

Sabrina's POV:

"Bradley can we please talk about having a baby" I ask my boyfriend Bradley and I give him puppy dog eyes. I know he can't say no when I do that.

We are currently in the car driving some where. I don't know where because he told me it is a surprise but he has been driving for hours.

"Sabrina we have been talking about this for months now. I love you but I'm kind of scared, it is a huge responsibility and I think we are too young for it. We aren't even married yet." He says and I roll my eyes. We live together so we could easily raise a baby together and we have plenty of room for one.

"I love you too but just imagine having a baby. It would be amazing and adorable. It's basically a little person that is half me and half you" I say.

"I know and I would be the luckiest man alive if my kid looked exactly like you" He says and parks the car in a parking lot at some building I don't recognize. He turns and faces me. "I promise you one day" He says and kisses my forehead.

"Yeah I know that what you always say" I say and he gets out of the car. "What is this place?" I ask and get out of the car too.

"You'll see" Bradley says and reaches out signaling for me to hold his hand, so I do.

We walk inside and I see a bunch of posters about adopting kids on the walls. I think I know what this place is. There is a lady sitting behind a desk on her computer.

Me and Bradley walk up to the counter and he says to the lady, "Hi I'm Bradley Steven Perry. I made a appointment last night"

She types something quickly into her computer. "Yes I have you scheduled right here" She says and points to her computer screen as if we can see it. "Follow me." She says and stands up and opens a door for us going into the back.

"So as you probably know we have lots of children for adoption here at the adoption center" She starts as me and Bradley walk behind her still holding hands. "Let me bring you to meet some" She says and bring us into a room with 5 little girls in it. They look around 10

Immediately the little girls run up to us, knowing who we were because me and Bradley are both on Disney shows. They 5 girls introduced themselves to us. For about 15 minutes we talked and played with them for a little bit. I would love to have a daughter one day but I just didn't feel a click with them. They basically just liked us because they like us on tv.

After that, the lady brought us into a room with 6 little boys. They had no idea who I was but knew who Bradley was because he is on a super hero show. I think Bradley really liked the boys and had fun with them. He probably liked the attention too. They were a little crazy though. I didn't feel a click there either.

After that she brought us into a room with two brothers. One was older and had dark brown hair while the other was younger and had very light brown hair.

"Hi I'm August but I like to be called Auggie" The older one says.

"I'm Ocean" The younger one says.

"Hi I'm Sabrina and this is Bradley" I say

"Hi guys" Bradley says and waves

I loved their names, they were so creative.

Before we went in the lady told us about how they were brothers and there mom left them here about 2 years ago and they don't know why. My heart broke a little for them. I couldn't ever do that to my kid.

Auggie and Ocean had no idea who we were. I kind of liked that. We found out that they have the same birthday just 4 years apart which is really cool. Auggie is 7 and Ocean is 3

They were the sweetest little boys in the world and I automatically felt that click. It was like two puzzle pieces going together.

Me and Bradley sat with them and played for a long time, maybe like a hour. After a hour Bradley said it was time to leave. I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to sit a play with them forever. I don't think they wanted us to leave either.

"Bye Auggie and Ocean" I say and hug them both.

"Bye little dudes" Bradley says and gives them each a fist bump.

"Bye" Auggie and Ocean both said at the same time.

Before we left the building I asked the lady if they had any babies there but she said no and that when they do get babies they normally get adopted in a week.

We go outside and go out to Bradley's car.

"So what did you think?" Bradley asks me after we get in the car.

"It was so much fun! I want to be a mom even more now. Thank you" I say.

"Your welcome. Do you like the idea of adoption?" He asks me.

"Yes. I don't really care if we do a adoption or have our own baby as long as I can have something to love" I say.

"What about me?" He asks a little offended.

"I love you but I would love a baby or a kid a lot more" I say.

"Maybe I won't promise some day then" He says and I smile and he starts the car.

We go home and eat dinner then go into our room for bed. Me and Bradley went into bed and watched tv for a little bit but I wasn't focused on the tv. I was just staring into space day dreaming about me and Bradley and Auggie and Ocean being a little family of four. It's what I want now.

I think Bradley noticed that I wasn't paying attention because he asked me, "Babe, what are you think about?"

"You, Auggie, Ocean and being a family" I say.

"Is that what you really want?" He asks me.

"Yes" I say.

"I'll call tomorrow and see if we can meet them a second time" He says.

"Ok" I say.

"Goodnight" He says and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"Goodnight" I say back. Then he rolls over and goes to sleep.

I stay up a little while longer fantasizing about what me and Bradley's life would be like with Auggie and Ocean and I got more and more in love with the idea the longer I thought about it. After a while I decided to go to sleep.

{Hi guys. This was just a little intro to the story. I will be starting it on September 1st 2017. I'm starting it in a really long time because I have a summer story coming out July 1st so I plan on posting this once I finish that. But if I get 50 views and 5 stars I'll post another chapter before then.

So tell me in the comments if you like it or not because I like hearing other people's feedback}

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