Chapter 13

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It's the next morning and me and Bradley's families are coming over to meet Auggie and Ocean.

Right now it's 8:00am. We only woke up so early because we wanted to be up before Auggie and Ocean.

Me and Bradley went downstairs and watched tv in the living room waiting for Auggie and Ocean to wake up.

About a half an hour later Auggie come downstairs looking very sleepy.

"Hi buddy" Bradley said

"Hi Auggie" I said.

"Hi. What are you doing?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.

"We are watching tv" Bradley says.

"Can I watch too?" Auggie asks.

"Sure" I say and Auggie comes and sits in the small gap between me and Bradley while Bradley changes the channel to something a little more kid appropriate.

"Do you want breakfast?" I ask him.

"No thank you. I'll wait for Ocean. I normally don't like to eat right when I wake up but Ocean does" He says.

"Ok. We can wait then" I say.

About a half an hour later Ocean wakes up and I make them bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast.

After breakfast the boys go downstairs and play for a little bit with the legos we got them and me and Bradley got ready for the mini party. Everyone should be here at about 2:00

"We still haven't told Auggie and Ocean what we do for a living" I tell Bradley as we were setting up the snacks.

"We should probably tell them before the party because I'm sure people will ask when you plan on starting to go on tour and acting again." He says.

"Yeah. Everyone should get here soon" I say as I look at the clock, it's 1:30.

"Auggie and Ocean, can you come up for a second" I yell through the rooms.

They come up the stairs and Auggie asks "What is it?"

"Me and Bradley wanted to tell you what we do as a job" I say.

"Oh yeah we never asked you what you do" Auggie says.

"Well me and Bradley are both actors on Disney channel shows" I say.

"That's so cool!" Ocean says.

"What shows?" Auggie asks.

"I'm on Girl Meets World" I tell him.

"I was on Good Luck Charlie but that ended. Then I was on Mighty Med but that ended too. After that we made like a spin off of the show called Lab Rats Elite Force but that just ended recently" Bradley says.

"That's a lot of shows that ended" Ocean says.

"All the girls at the adoption center loved Girl Meets World. I never seen it though" Auggie says.

"That's really cool" I say to Auggie.

"Yeah I know" Bradley says to Ocean and laughs a little.

"I'm also a singer" I tell the boys.

"That's cool too! We love to sing!" Ocean says.

"Maybe later you can show us" I say.

A half an hour later my sister, Sarah shows up.

I open the door and let them inside. Auggie and Ocean were sitting on the couch looking at pictures on my phone. I think it was a way for them to get to know me and Bradley better. They do it a lot.

"Hey boys, this is my sister Sarah." I say to them. They look up from the phone and get off the couch and come to the front door.

"Hi I'm Auggie and this is Ocean" Auggie says and Ocean waves.

Sarah kneels down on the floor to be the same height as them. "I'm Sarah" She says.

"So your Sabrina's sister, would that make you our aunt?" Auggie asks.

"Yeah it would" Sarah says.

"Want to come see my room?" Ocean asks Sarah.

"Sure" Sarah says and Ocean shows her to upstairs.

About 5 minutes later Bradley's mom and dad arrive and they meet Auggie. Ocean was still upstairs with Sarah.

During all this Bradley was downstairs trying to set something up. He wouldn't tell me what though. So his parents go downstairs to say hi to him and to probably talk for a little bit because they were down there for a while.

My GMW co star, Rowan just arrived. So I go and answer the door.

"Hi Rowan!" I say with Auggie standing next to me.

"Hi Sabrina!" She says and hugs me.

"Hi I'm Rowan" She says to Auggie once we let go from the hug.

"I'm Auggie" He says.

"Your really cute and you look a lot like me, it's like we are siblings" Rowan says and he laughs a little.

"I have a little brother named Ocean. He upstairs with Sabrina's sister" He says.

"I heard. I can't wait to meet him" She says.

"Auggie, do you want to go upstairs and see when they are coming down?" I ask.

"Sure" He says and goes upstairs.

"So how do you like being a mom?" Rowan asks.

"I love it and I love them. They are really sweet" I say as we sit in the couch.

"Do they call you mommy because Auggie called you Sabrina before?" Rowan asks.

"Not yet but I'm not going to bring it up just yet because they only started living with us yesterday" I say.

So after that Bradley and his parents come upstairs and Ocean, Auggie and Sarah come downstairs. My parents, my two other GMW co stars Peyton and Corey come and so does Bradley's friends, Jake and Austin. It was fun and Auggie and Ocean loved having a lot of the attention on them.

{Next chapter you guys will find out what Bradley was working on in the basement}

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