Chapter 19

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I wake up nice and early today because I have things to do. I have to really start finishing my 3rd album. It's like halfway done but I haven't been working on it a lot since we just adopted Auggie and Ocean. I also have to go on set for a new movie I will be in. It's called The Hate U Give. I'll be playing a character named Hailey. It's just a first day on set getting to know each other and getting to know our way around set type thing. Everyone is still sleeping.

I go downstairs and open up my laptop to check my emails to get the address of the set.

I see a new one from my manager. I always check the ones from her as soon as possible.

Here's what the message read:

Hey Sabrina! Congrats on adopting your two new boys! I hope parenthood has been going great for you. I have more great news for you. Ever since you announced it yesterday everyone wants a look into your life with the boys. I've gotten so many emails already from so many big talk shows like Ellen, The Late Late Show with James Cordon wants you and your family back to talk about the boys, Good Day LA, The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Kathy Lee and Hoda, The John Kerwin Kids Show and that's not even the end of the list. Seriously so many. So many magazines want to do a section about you and your family too. I'm working on getting you guys on the cover story on most of them so I'm playing hard to get so you can be on the cover. You would have to fly out to New York for a little while to do some of the talk shows. Adopting the boys is getting you and Bradley so much publicity so great job! Email me back asap and we can start talking about setting up dates and times to do these talk shows and interviews.
Thank you,

That made me sad. I don't want Auggie and Ocean to just be like a publicity stunt or ever feel like one. I adopted them to love them not to use them to get more famous.

I decided to email her back.

Hi Nicole. Thanks for emailing me at all this. I'm willing to do all the day talk shows on weekends and night ones on Friday or Saturday nights or any none school days because Auggie is in school and will not be taken out of school to do these. So you can start setting everything up according to Auggie's school schedule that I will link down below. Anything with just me can be done any day of the week. Auggie and Ocean are not a publicity stunt and never will be.

Then I put the link to Auggie's school calendar after I put my name.

I check a few other emails and get the address of the set. Today Bradley doesn't have work so it's just me going. Ocean is going to stay home with Bradley and Auggie is going to school. I'll be on set for the beginning half of the day. Then at the studio in the after noon.

So at 7am I leave. Everyone is still asleep so I don't wake them up. I'll see them tonight.

I go and do the set tour and meet a lot of people. Then I go to the studio and work on the 3rd album. Not a lot for accomplished today with the 3rd album since we didn't have a lot of time.

I got home late at 9:00. I walk in and all 3 of them were sitting on the couch. Bradley let Ocean stay up past his bed time to see me since I haven't seen them all day. Auggie's bed time is 9:00 except we aren't as strict with his. They were already bathed and put into pajamas which was good.

I walk in and they both come running over.

"Hi mommy" They both say and hug me.

"Hi Auggie and Ocean" I say and hug them back.

"How was work?" Auggie asks.

"It was good. How was school?" I ask.

"It was so much fun" He says.

"That's great. It time for you guys to go to bed. I'll put you two to bed" I say and we start walking up the stairs.

"Wait. I'll do it. You just got home. You don't have to start parenting just yet" He says.

"Ok" I say.

"Goodnight Auggie and Ocean" I say and give them a hug.

"Goodnight mommy" They both say and hug me back.

Bradley, Auggie and Ocean go upstairs and I go into the kitchen and get a snack an sit at the table on my computer to see if Nicole emailed me back. Ever since Auggie and Ocean started living here we have gotten so much more kid snacks like pop tarts and gummy snacks. I love it.

It turns out I did get a email back from her.

Hi Sabrina. I went over Auggie's school schedule and wrote down days or weeks he has off. His spring break is March 30th to April 8th so I was thinking you guys could fly to New York during that break. Let me know and I will book the flight. Auggie has a mid winter break. but that is way to soon to plan flights and talk shows in NY. So I made a lot of LA talk shows for that week. Then I emailed all the talk shows on when you are available and this is what I got

Ellen wants to know if you can come in on February 20th. That's the Tuesday in Auggie's mid winter break at 4:00
James Cordon wants February 21st at 4:00 too.
Good Day LA asked for February 20th in the morning starting at 7:00
Jimmy Fallon said February 22nd at 3:00pm
Then The John Kerwin Kids Show just wants Auggie to come in at the would be at 6:00 on February 23rd.

For all the magazines they want to do a interview and some want to do a family photoshoot.

People magazine asked if you could go in on March 3rd that's a Saturday and do a interview and photoshoot.
J-14 asked if you could go to there office and do a little interview on February 20th during the day.
Disney Channel also sent me a email asking if you and your family could do a commercial.

Let me know asap
Thank you,

I finish reading the email and Bradley walks downstairs.

"Hey. What are you doing?" He asks and sits down next to me.

"Emailing Nicole. So many talk shows and magazines and Disney Channel want to do segments and articles about our life now with the boys" I say.

"What did you say?" He asks.

"I sent her Auggie's school schedule and told her to make dates and times according to then he has off from school. I told her that I don't want them being used for a publicity stunt. That's not why we adopted them" I say.

"I totally agree. I will do all the interviews and articles but it has to be on our time" He says.

"Good. Now that we are in the same page I'm going to email her back" I say.

This is what I wrote:

Hi Nicole. All those dates and times work for me. I talked to Bradley and he is ok with it too. Let me know any other dates and times we are scheduling for.

"Do you think we should have waited to announce that we adopted the boys?" Bradley asks.

"No. I'm glad that we did. I just don't like this next part that comes along with it" I say.

"They why are you agreeing to do it?" Bradley asks.

"I want to do all the talk shows but I don't want to exploit Auggie and Ocean's life" I say.

"Then will have to just got give too much information" Bradley says.

"Ok" I say.

After that me and Bradley get ready for bed and then go to sleep.

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