Chapter 51

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I have a huge surprise for Auggie, Chloe and Ocean today. So as you might remember my mom is cousins with their grandma. So I have been in contact with her for the past couple months. She is a nurse so she rarely gets time off and it has been hard for her to convince her boss to let her go on a vacation. Well, she said screw it and that she is just going to use all her sick days that she has saved up. So we are headed to the airport to go pick her up now.

"Where are we going?" Chloe asks.

"We're not telling yet" I say.

We have been in the car for a little over a hour. Ocean is sound asleep and Auggie is playing on Bradley's phone. Chloe was playing on the iPad they got for there birthday but she wasn't really using it. She was bored and starring out the window.

"How much longer until we get there?" She asks. "Also why do we have the third row up?" She asks. Bradley's car has a third row that we never put up. Auggie and Chloe always fight on who gets to sit back there. It's just easier to have all three of them in one row.

I look at the GPS on my phone. "Twenty more minutes and because we are going to need it" I say.

"That's so long" She says.

"Than take a nap" I say.

"But I'm not tired" She says.

"Want me to put on a movie for you? You can finish it on the car ride back" I say.

"Yeah. That's a good idea" She says and hands me the iPad.

I put on Moana because what eight year old girl doesn't love Moana. The rest of the car ride was quiet except for the movie playing. I sat and stared out the window while Auggie played on Bradley's phone and Bradley was focused on driving.

We arrive at the airport.

"Are we going on a surprise vacation?!" Chloe asks and sounds really excited.

"No. We have a surprise guest who just flew here" I say.

"Who?" She asks.

"We'll have to go inside and find out." I say.

Right away Chloe and Auggie start unbuckling. I get out and wake Ocean up.

"Oshee, we are here" I say quietly.

He opens his eyes and looks around "What is this place?" He asks while stretching.

"It's a airport" I say.

"Why are we here?" He asks.

"You'll find out in a couple minutes" I say.

I unbuckle him and hold him. He didn't want to walk. Bradley doesn't like when I hold him because we have the fourth baby on the way but I don't really care. I just be careful while holding him.

We go into the airport and wait in the lobby. She came in to a really small airport which is why we drove so far. If we just went to LAX we would have old had to drive 20 minutes. I wanted to come here because I knew Chloe and Auggie would recognize her so they could go running and hug her. It would be like those videos you see of internet best friends meeting.

Auggie and Chloe just kept looking around and then looking back to me and Bradley. I was looking around too. I didn't know what terminal she was going to come out of. Ocean was tired and didn't really care. I was just holding him and he had his head on my chest.

After a couple minutes I hear Chloe gasp and both of them went running. I look up and I see there grandma. Me and Bradley start walking over.

"Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you in so long" She says to Auggie and Chloe as she is hugging them.

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