Chapter 35

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Let me just skip to the good part. Nobody likes sitting through the entire long wedding speech. Ocean fell asleep in the middle of it.

"Sabrina Carpenter do you take Bradley Steven Perry to be you husband to..." The person says. You don't want to hear the rest.

"I do" I say. Bradley puts the ring on my finger.

"Bradley Steven Perry do you take Sabrina Carpenter to be you wife to..." He says to Bradley.

"I do" Bradley says and I put the ring on Bradley's finger.

The guy goes on for another minute and then finally says "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Bradley kisses me and everyone claps and cheers. After we walk down the aisle holding hands. Auggie woke Ocean up and then Chloe, Auggie and Ocean walked down the aisle behind us.

We walk into the venue and the cocktail hour starts. I didn't see the point of having one because most of my friends are under 21 and can't drink. My mother and Sarah insisted that I have one just so everyone can sit around and eat appetizers and talk before the actual part started.

Auggie, Ocean and Chloe were running around with Mia, Ava and a few of mine and Bradley's little cousins. I had I feeling they would all click right away.

Every once in a while I would call the three of them over to meet members of my family they haven't met before.

That lasted about a hour and a half and then the real party started.

We walked across the lawn in the front to the other venue. It's all one place they just had two separate buildings. One for the cocktail hour and the other for the actual party.

Basically the entire night was spent dancing, eating and having fun. At around ten Auggie, Chloe and Ocean went home with my mom. They were really tired and wanted to leave.

The party ended at one in the morning. Everyone left and me and Bradley were last to leave. We were exhausted.

We went back to the hotel and wasted no time in getting into after wedding activities.

So we walk into the hotel room and started making out. I was against the wall and he was in front of me like something you would see in a movie. That lasted about five minutes then he picks me up bridal style and lays me down in the bed.

He was still standing and took his suit jacket off and then his white shirt underneath. He then got in the bed and hovered on top of me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm definitely sure" I say and kiss him again.

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