Chapter 4

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I soon went over to the two smalls blurs. They where two... note books. Yup two magic falling notebooks, that is completely normal - wait what? I picked them each up the black notebook read on the cover Death Note and the white one read Life Note. I so don't know what to think of this,  I hid the two note books under my shirt and hoodie, and partly under my jeans to hold it in place. I headed back to go inside the hospital, and some charge nurse let me back in. I headed back to my room, and watched TV for a while.

Before i knew it, a lot of time had passed and it was already noon. Another nurse / cook person whatever had come in told be what was being served then left to bring me food. I sat again staring off into space until the lady had come back in, I had a pot roast soup, a bag of apple crisps, an orange... gross, and I mysterious cloudy drink. Not sure if I’m going to drink that or not, I was eating all by myself when I heard a voice "Are you going to eat that?" I looked in the area where I heard the voice there I saw a floating half and half angelic demonic creature thing. Normal reflexes happened and I screamed very, very loudly. Good thing that creature was standing in front of the TV... about three nurses and a doctor came rushing in, well at least paranormal activity was playing at that time, someone said about switching me on a different medication. I was asked if I needed help, and if I was okay. I nodded, "I'm sorry I got really scared for a moment." With that everyone left thinking I got scared from the stupid movie. No, I looked up at the creature again, yup i have gone completely mental, no one else saw that thing. Goodbye mind forever. "Are you, or are you not?" It asked again looking at my orange. "Take the damn fruit."

"Oh, touchy, heh heh heh heh." Well that was a creepy laugh. "Who are you? Has my mind officially snapped?" More creepy laughing.

"No I'm the owner of those two note books you found." Oh so the magical falling life and death note books belong to this thing, I guess he dropped them. "I accidentally dropped them in the human world." Yup I called it. I went to reach for them to give them back. "I'm sorry, you can have them back."

"No they're yours to keep now." What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On?!

"Have you looked inside them yet?"

"No not yet, I hid them before people started to ask me questions." I opened the book and read the inside covers of them. "Are there any questions you have regarding the note books?" After a bunch of questions later I found out everything I needed to know.

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The Note Book(s) Rules

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(Death Note)

- The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

- This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person’s face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected

- If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person’s name, it will happen

- If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

- The notebook shall become the property of the human world, once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world.

-  The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of the original owner, i.e. a God of death / Shinigami.

- The human who uses the notebook can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.

-If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.

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