Chapter 5

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Variel POV

Watari had insisted on at least a few new shirts so we went to a small thrift boutique one I loved and I found a green long sleeve hooded sweater and a knee length black and white plaid dress. When we were walking to checkout something had caught my eye and I stopped walking for a moment, they were guitar picks but not just any they where mixed red and black with an old English 'V' and them I so fell in love and dashed over to them. As Watari and L and turned around for me to put my two items ups I wasn't their then they looked up and saw me dashing over.

"Sorry I saw something I just really loved."

As I put my three things on the counter they saw the guitar picks and real quickly exchanged glances for a brief moment after then we went home and they knew why I want the guitar picks.

We ended back up at my house, it still hurt to think of them as my parents- no DNA 'm' and 'd' people who I have to forgive to become stronger,

"You know you didn't have to come with I could of just came here and gathered what you asked for." Watari was wise but he didn't understand no, I don't think anyone ever will.


We where all silent for what seemed the longest moments as we made our way up stair to my room right as Watari was about to open the door I caught them off guard momentarily,

"It hurts, it will always hurt what they have done, or what might of happened that night but living in a bubble of sorrow, regret, and anger will get you no where in life. What they did to me was unforgivable in many eyes, but not mine. Letting go and moving on is best if I won't face this now I may never be able to and then I'd most likely regret everything down the road. They weren't fit or the best parents in the world but what always keeps me going is knowing that if someone were to find my story someday it would give them hope and strength to fight for life and what they believe in to keep them going until that sweetly bitter end."

After that they both head nodded they understood but when Watari opened that door I really lost it.

"KITTY!" Watari had, that what just happened look, L was already expecting my mood changes, but my kitty was it their! I tripped over a chair but I jumped up on my bed to fall of my cute blue cat plushy meant the world to me "Oh did you miss me?" I was half way on the bed and floor hugging the cat close to my chest.

"Variel?" Watari sounded a bit concerned for me.

"Everything is alright!" I jumped up and did my peace salute. I got my bag from under my bed and kicked the two out for a bit I threw in clothes a few pairs of shoes makeup bag...always gotta look FABULOUS! Then I found the book It had very many secret hiding places in it and it needed a specific code to a date the it near and dear to my heart I real quickly hid those two note books in it. Best part of all it looked all normal nothing out of the blue, okay so the two note books are hidden well, so I threw that book into my bag too then my cat plushy. An Mp3 player, audio cube, and my laptop. I changed into green skinny jeans, combat boots, a old Mario shirt and one of many sweatshirts I packed, it was thinner but it was a dark grey with a jean vest sewn into it. With that I walking out. We were all moments away from walking out of my house for good when I screamed, "Oh ma tit!" It was loud and rushed Watari confused replied "Omatid?" Priceless!

"I forgot something very important!" Watari took my bag him and L headed out to the black car limo thingy car while I ran into my basement, I really quickly shoved my favorite pocket knife in my left boot and then grabbed my case, that is by guitar case making sure it was my double side one I had an acoustic and eclectic in there. Sure it was heavy but worth it. I was looking for my bag of cords and my amp when Watari fount me "Is something wrong?" You bet your mustache there is.

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