Breaking Dawn Chapter 10 (Final)

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We brought Nahuel and his aunt to the clearing Alice said would be at. The Volturi realized what it would be like if they tried to go against us. Riley looked shaken up, and I brought her away from everyone else to ask her what had happened.

"Riley, please tell me what Alice saw."

"You would die." She says, I feel her sadness and wrap my arms around her.

"I promise you. I will never leave you. I love you." I tell her. She looks up at me, and I lean down to give her a quick kiss before we leave to go and join the group.

Thankfully, the Volturi shouldn't be bothering us anymore. Edward and Bella are more trusting of Riley, and Nessi still loves her. Jacob, surprisingly, apologized for being an asshole to her.

Leah was there to support Nessi, and that meant the world to Riley. So, they are still somewhat friends.

Nahuel and Huilen (his aunt) decided to join us, since Alice is his mate. Hulien was happy because she now has a larger family.

"So," I say, wrapping my arms around Riley from behind her. "I believe you once said that you would marry me. Is that still on the table, or was that only a human thing?"

"I don't know if husband and wife suits us." She says that brings me confusion. "We're soulmates."

"Well, I would still love to marry you. How would you feel about traveling the world for our honeymoon?" I asked, I now that she wanted to travel, so she would take it up.

"I would love to." She agreed. "You know that Alice will try to take everything over, right?"

"As long as I have you, I don't care what could possibly happen. We'll live throughout eternity together. As husband and wife." I see Alice smiling by us, and I can tell, we'll still have our troubles, and our adventures, and we'll live a happy life.

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