Chapter 46 - Crazy decision!

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His eyes looking straight my name, my heart pounding fast.

‘’Why don’t you answer, Luna?’’ Some chuckles escape his plump lips.

‘’I.. Okay I didn’t really know what I was doing okay? Now can you take your face away from me because-‘’

‘’Because you’re too nervous to kiss me? Alright, I’ll give you one.’’ Harry states as he stops me from speaking with a kiss. His fingers looking for mine, only to intertwine them all again. I almost forget that sweet habit from him, until it’s repeated all over again.

He stops the kiss for a moment, whispering ‘’I want you.’’ I only ignore him but I manage to kiss him back, with a full effort and spirit.

I don’t know whether I’m doing a right thing- I just don’t care, I love it.


It’s been night already, time flies too fast. The lads plead me to go their concert, which makes me go here eventually. I join their tour bus and already got well-dressed. This night, I don’t want to disappoint anyone. I wear a fine grey t-shirt- which I used to hate since it’s rather tight and opened in the neck- but I want to look best tonight, I don’t really know why. I wear a skirt Olivia gave me last year. I still remember that time, she came towards me and said I would look feminine if I wear this skirt. I laughed to myself when I wore this skirt back in this evening. I haven’t ever touched this skirt for years, and it’s funny how I brought this skirt here to Australia.

I still somehow get nervous of wearing this ‘little’ clothing. A black cardigan covers my top, closing my opened skirt. I’m not so brave in wearing opened clothes, it’s just not me.

‘’You look different tonight.’’ Niall says as we’re on our way to the tour bus. I blush a bit, considering he does notice my change. I smile, ‘’Thankyou Niall.’’ and he puts his arm around me, escorting me to enter the bus.

Harry and Liam are walking behind me, and I know he is watching what Niall is doing. Being afraid that something bad will happen, I politely release myself from Niall’s arm and smile. Niall casts an awkward smile, I bet he is feeling slightly embarrassed.

‘’You sit with me.’’ My heart immediately drops once I hear someone speaking behind me. Strangely it’s not Harry, it is Louis. I spontaneously look at him and mouth, ‘’No!’’ But he is already grabbing my hand and sitting me next to him, at the back.

My eyes are looking for Harry, I really need his help to ‘save’ me from  Louis. I was already so happy but Louis pulling me to sit with him has successfully made my mood come down.

‘’Are you looking for him?’’ I hear Louis chuckles. I’m still looking for Harry when I say, ‘’None of your business, Louis.’’

‘’I thought we’re good mates? Why don’t you share it to me when you experience this thing called love?’’ Louis continues his words. I’m shot silent by his words and I turn around to face him. ‘’I’m not in love,’’ I say under my breath. Little does he know that I’m somehow still in ‘love’ with him..

‘’You’re a liar.’’ He smirks. ‘’It’s obvious that you’re in love with him. I saw it on Twitter, the fans are mentioning about Harry kissing this worried girl in the beach.’’

‘’Louis!’’ I gasp. I suddenly remember the camera blitz flashing when Harry kissed me on the beach, and now Louis makes it obvious that the fans have spreaded it onto Twitter.

‘’Keep your cool, Luna. They’re not going to harm you, we the lads will be there to protect you. Especially that curly kid.’’ Louis laughs, patting my back. I frown and look at his actions. I really don’t get what he’s actually doing. Is he giving me banters, like what we used to do in the past? Oh, past. It was long over 6 years ago- and there’s nothing to remember.

‘’Stop the banters Louis, I don’t know whether we’re still close anymore. Harry!’’ I say as I stand up. I better join Harry, who is currently laughing with the other lads. I can’t keep myself together with Louis, basically because I don’t feel anymore comfortable with him.

‘’Yeah Luna?’’ Harry smiles once he looks at me. I walk to his direction and ask, ‘’May I just join you guys? It’s too cold in the back, I think it’s better to have a warm laugh here.’’

‘’I join.’’ I hear Louis speaking behind me. I look at him with a sharp look but he innocently smiles. We both eventually join the lads, without receiving any questioning look from them.


I can’t believe the gig is almost over. The lads are currently singing their last song, signaling that the concert is really near to the end. I take my camera and shoot them for times- they look perfectly handsome and I bet they’re going to be happy if they see the pictures I take from them.

Once they finish the gig I immediately go to the backstage. I find some fans rushing to the backstage too but the security cruelly prohibits them for doing so. I sometimes feel sorry for them, although I slightly dislike them but I know they do love the boys so much that they really urge to see them. I only let it go and I can hear Zayn shouting my name. ‘’Luna! Over here.’’

‘’Alright!’’ I raise my thumb up. I run to their direction and enter their dressing room as they have ordered.

I somehow find myself weird since I only hang out with the boys these days. I have no other friends apart from them, and I guess I have no option rather than just hanging out with them.

‘’How was the gig, Lun?’’ Niall asks as he releases his top, laughing. As my eyes look at him I just figure out that he’s the only one in this group, without any tattoos. But he still looks hot anyway.

‘’That was a good one, my ears are still ringing because of you guys’ dear fans.’’ I laugh.

‘’Oh babe, they’re the one who make us like this.’’ Liam responds. I guess Liam really loves the term ‘babe’ since he keeps mentioning that word to everyone- except the boys, of course.

‘’What are you guys’ plans for tonight?’’ I ask, as everybody releases their top and has a sit.

‘’Nothing. Will probably have some drinks.’’ Niall answers.

‘’I’m sorry guys but I’m not joining you guys tonight. Me and Luna already have an appointment.’’ Harry suddenly says as he takes a sip of cold water from his bottle.

‘’Well Harry, we’ve missed you. We don’t hang out often these days, since you’ve found this girl.’’ Louis remarks. Harry laughs and when he’s just about to reply Louis, I cut him.

‘’Alright Harry, we’re just going to the club tonight.’’ I state doubtlessly.

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