Old Friends

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! Here is another chapter!!! Hope you like it!! Enjoy<3


"Yes John?"

"Please let me out."

"Whatever do you mean?" Sherlock's tone was dripping with feigned innocence as he appeared beside John, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm not doing anything My Love, it would appear that the front door has stopped working again. You will just have to stay with me."


"Yes John?"

"I'm supposed to be meeting Greg in ten minutes."

"You'll just have to call and cancel."


"Fine." The door finally swung open, Sherlock finally releasing it. He had started practicing with his abilities, which usually meant locking John in various rooms and preventing him from leaving. "I don't know why you have to go see this friend. Am I boring you already?" John sighed, stepping close to Sherlock and offering him an understanding smile.

"Of course not Love, I could never get bored of you. I've already cancelled on Greg twice now, I feel bad."

"This is exactly why I think friends are boring and tedious."

"I'll miss you too Love." Sherlock smiled and leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to John's lips. "I'll be back soon." He left before the pale man could lock him in again.

"So, explain something to me." John groaned and rolled his eyes, slamming his head against the table. He had made the mistake of telling Greg about his relationship with Sherlock. Unsurprisingly, the man hadn't taken it very well, and was now demanding details. "You are dating a ghost?"

"No, I'm dating-"

"How does that work? I mean, you can't touch or anything, right?" John tried to fight the blush that rose on his cheeks, realizing how miserably he failed when Greg's eyes widened. "You can touch? How?"


"What's it like? Getting off with a ghost?"

"God, no! It's not like that! We haven't- I-I mean, we aren't- I-I don't think we can- I'm not discussing our sex life with you."

"Oh no buddy, you are the one dating Casper the Friendly Ghost, you don't get to tell me what I can and can't ask." John scowled at his friend and finished off the last of his beer, checking his watch and grabbing his phone. "I want to meet your new lover."

"Don't you have a date with that politician? What's his name again?"

"Mycroft. And no, he cancelled again."


"That's none of your concern."

"Really? You want to know everything about my sex life, but I'm not allowed to know if you like some random politician? That's hardly fair."

"Yeah? Well I'm not the one getting boned by fucking Skeletor."

"Fuck off." John sighed heavily, glancing helplessly at his phone, wishing he had an excuse to tell Greg no. "Fine, but you can't stay for long. I have to be at Bart's early tomorrow." Greg grinned and quickly finished his drink, dropping a few notes on the table before hurrying to follow John.

John pushed open the door to the flat, his stomach in knots. He glanced around, not seeing Sherlock anywhere. He was about to call out when the air filled with static electricity. He turned to see Sherlock flicker into view beside him. His ghostly lover grabbed his waist and pulled him close, leaning down and capturing his lips in a kiss.

His skin tingled with electricity and he started to shake as Sherlock let him go.

The pale man was grinning wildly, his eyes glinting with mischief. It had been a week since they had first kissed and Sherlock enjoyed surprising John with the touches.


"Jesus Love, I thought we agreed you would give me a bit of warning before you did that?" John laughed, breathless. Sherlock's ever flowing energy had a strange effect on his lungs.

"We did, but I enjoy surprising you." John laughed again, forgetting for a moment that Greg was standing behind him. He jumped when he felt a solid, warm hand land on his shoulder.

"Shit, right. Sorry, uh, c-come on in Greg." He stepped around Sherlock, letting his friend into the flat. "Sherlock, this is Greg. Greg, this is-"

"Sherlock Holmes?" John spun to face his friend, shock filling his body. He hadn't told Greg Sherlock's full name.

"Gavin?" He spun back to face Sherlock, his head spinning.

"For fucks sake. It's Greg you clot."

"Right, George, sorry."

"Wait, you two know each other?" John was getting dizzy from looking between the two men.

"Apparently." Sherlock looked almost as confused as John felt.

"What the hell man? You- you're dead?" John watched as his friend tugged at his hair, stepping closer to Sherlock as his face fell. "W-When did it happen? Does Mycroft know?"

"Surely after all these years he has figured it out."

"What the hell are you talking about Sherlock? You've only been in the coma for a year." Sherlock stepped back, looking terrified and uncertain. John shook his head, blinking rapidly a few times. He tried to speak, but there were no words.

"N-No. I-I'm dead. I died twenty years ago." Sherlock started to flicker, unable to control his form under the weight of the news.

"No, I swear it. Last year you OD'd on heroin and tried to throw yourself off the roof of Bart's. I just went to see your body last week." John felt his heart drop, and had to back up to prevent hurting himself. He fell onto the sofa, his chest tight and heart beat far too high.

Sherlock's body was still alive.

"Show us."

Less than an hour later, they were standing in a private hospital room, crowded around the bed.

John couldn't breathe. It was true.

Sherlock's lifeless body lay before him. Pale, too thin, and peaceful.

"N-No." Sherlock shook his head, flickering intensely as he stared at the lifeless body in the bed. "N-No, I-I died. I-I've been dead for years."

"Love, this is a good thing-"

"How is this good John? I should be dead!"

"But you aren't, we can bring you back-"

"No!" As the pale man shouted, a blast of electrical energy shot out from him, sending John flying back into the wall. His head connected violently with a small glass window, his vision blurring white.

As his mind drifted into unconsciousness, he heard the rapid beeping of heart monitors screaming for assistance.

Ghost in This House (JohnLock AU)Where stories live. Discover now