How Do I Fix This?

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! Getting close to the end now!!!! Shit is getting real up in this bitch!!! Enjoy<3

Mrs. Hudson helped to smuggle Sherlock into the hospital.

He waited by John's bedside, sitting in the chair, invisible to the staff that came to check on the unconscious man in the bed.

"Sherlock?" George had come to visit. Sherlock allowed himself to flicker into view, startling the other man. "Hey Mate. How's he doing?"

"His heart- it- it stopped." Gavin cursed, running his hands through his hair and pacing in the small space.

"How- what- what happened? Do the doctors know?"

"They have no idea. Idiots the lot of them." Geoff spun to face him, pointing at him.

"You know what happened, don't you?"

"Of course."

"What was it then? Why did his heart stop Sherlock?" Sherlock flinched as the other man's voice took on a harsh tone.

"It was me." He whispered, flickering in and out of view as he struggled against the emotions. "I did this. I- I killed John." Gavin dropped his hands to his sides, looking lost and confused. "I was holding him and kissing him and his heart stopped." Greg stepped around the bed, standing in front of Sherlock.

"Hey, hey mate listen, you need to calm down."

"How can I calm down Geoff? I've just killed the only man I've ever loved!"

"You didn't kill him Sherlock, but you're going to if you don't calm down!" Sherlock froze, taking stock of the room. The lights were flickering and John's heart rate monitor was starting to beep loudly. His energy was disrupting the machines that were keeping John breathing. He backed away, stumbling back against the wall, his body almost slipping through. He solidified just enough to lean against the wall, sliding down and dropping his head back against the wall.

"God, Greg. What have I done?" The other man came closer, sitting on the floor beside Sherlock and rubbing his hands over his thighs and sighing heavily. "How can I fix this?" Gavin was quiet for a long while, the silence of the room only broken by the machines keeping John alive.

"You don't." Geoff pushed himself to his feet, reaching down and offering his hand to Sherlock. "I do." Sherlock solidified his hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.

"I-I don't understand."

"I'm going to bring your sorry ass back."

"God this is weird." Greg laughed as he placed his bag on Sherlock's bed, glancing between the unconscious form on the bed and the ghost beside him. He had been out and about, gathering supplies and preparing. His phone went off, signaling the arrival of his boyfriend, Sherlock's older brother.

I'm here – MH

Good. Come up to Sherlock's room – GL

You have everything, right? – GL

Yes – MH

What exactly do you need this stuff for? – MH

I'll explain when you get up here – GL

Greg stuffed his phone back into his pocket and continued sorting through the various herbs and items he had collected.

"Is my brother really coming?" Sherlock asked, sounding uncertain.

"Yep. He'll be here any minute."

"God, he must be so mad at me." Greg turned to the ghost, not missing the fear that filled Sherlock's eyes. "I tried to kill myself. The first time I did that-"

"I damned near beat you to a pulp if I remember correctly." Greg and Sherlock both jumped at the new voice. Mycroft stood in the door, a smug smirk on his face as he glanced between Sherlock and his body.


"Alright, soppy hellos later eh? We have a spell to cast." Greg grabbed the bag from Mycroft's hand, pressing a soft kiss to his lover's cheek before spinning back to the bed. He hurriedly started mixing ingredient's praying that the spell would work.

"How long have you been like this, Brother Mine?" Mycroft asked, crossing is arms and glaring at Sherlock.

"I'm not really sure. I was positive I had died more than twenty years ago until Gavin told us otherwise."

"An idiot even in death I see."

"Sod off."

"Boys, not now please." Greg snapped, adding the last ingredient to the bowl before turning to Sherlock. "This is it. Now, lie down within your body. If everything works, the spell will bind your spirit to your physical form. Since there is no medical reason for your body to still be in a coma, I'm hoping the reunion of spirit and flesh will wake you up."

"And if it doesn't?" Greg hesitated, he had been trying to avoid that question. Sherlock nodded, stepping close to the bed and climbing on, lying down so he disappeared into his physical body. "If I don't wake up, tell John I love him." Greg nodded, blinking away the tears as his friend's spirit faded away.

"Here we go." He whispered, picking up the sterling silver blade he was to use for the ritual. "Watch the door. Warn me if someone is coming." He inhaled and drew the blade over his skin, wincing as the blade cut him. He let the blood drain from his hands, chanting a few words in Latin as he soaked the herbs in his blood. He then moved closer to Sherlock's body and lifted his hand, slicing the palm and letting the blood flow and mingle with his own and the herbs. Once there was enough, he wrapped Sherlock's hand tightly and set the bowl on his chest.

He pulled out a match and struck it, dropping it into the bowl.

All logic told him that the flame would go out as soon as it touched the blood, but that didn't happen. Instead there was a huge puff of smoke and a flash of light.

"Is that it?" Mycroft asked.

"No. There's one more step." He grabbed the bowl and poured the smoldering ashes over the unconscious form, chanting in Latin all the while.

He lit another match and dropped it to Sherlock's chest.

"Greg!" Mycroft shouted as the ashes burst into flame, quickly covering Sherlock's body in a layer of green flame. As quickly as they appeared, they were gone. Leaving the room to be filled with a thick silence.

The angry peal of heart monitors filled the room as Sherlock's body began to convulse.

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