CHAPTER 2 : My Prince Charming

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Ann , Shamee and Fretzie are already there sitting on a VIP room they’re having small shots of tequila they’re having fun dancing and singing and eating they’re favorite food at that bar.

“Fretz, where’s Bret and James?” Ann asked before Fretzie can answer someone opened the door revealing Bret

“Hey hon” Bret greeted Fretzie as he kissed her on the cheeks

“Hey, you’re late, where’s James?” Fretzie asked as they both sat at the couch

“About that he’s not going here he went to a family meeting” Bret said Ann hearing it felt sad

“I will not enjoy this!” Ann said in a low voice but Shamee heard it

“We don’t need him Ann, Come on let’s dance we the other people” Shamee said as she dragged Ann outside the VIP room  and left Fretzie and Bret inside.

They dance and drunk some tequila Ann left the dance floor and went to the bar drinking station she order a tequila. Actually she’s already drunk she’s feeling dizzy when a guy approach her

“Hey hot girl” The guy said in a flirty way

“Who are you?” Ann said in a drunk voice

“Oh you’re an ugly duckling!!” Ann said and laughed she probably drunk but she tells the truth ;)

The guy laughed “Your probably drunk let me help you with that let’s go to a room” the guy said as he caress Ann’s back

“Don’t touch me!!” Ann said and stood up

“You your pervert such a ugly person!!” Ann said and started walking but the guy grabbed her wrist

“Where are you going? Let me kiss you first” The guy said and started leaning his face but before that they heard a big and handsome voice

“Kiss her or I’ll make you sleep forever!” The guy and Ann looked at the person

“Je-James?” Ann said as she looked at the guy

“Who are you?” The guy said

“You don’t need to know just leave her alone” James said but the guy grabbed Ann and started walking

James grabbed Ann and punched the guy, the guy fell on the floor with a bleeding nose

“You want more?” James asked as he grabbed the collar of the guy

“No no!” The guy said and started to walked away

“Ann are you okay?” James asked but before Ann can answer she passed out good thing James catch him

She carried Ann in a bridal way and went to his car and lay her on the front seat. He went to the driver’s seat. He dialed Shamee’s number

“Hello” Shamee said from the other line

“Shamee Ann is with me don’t need to worry I’ll take her home she passed out” James said as he looked at Ann

“Okay be sure you’ll take her to her home not your home!!” Shamee said

“Yes I’ll be” James said and ended the call. He started the engine and drove to the Li’s mansion.


Patrick opened the door and he saw James carrying Ann

“James what happened to Ann?” Patrick asked

“before I answer it can I take Ann to her room first? She’s pretty heavy” James said and Patrick laughed. James lay Ann on the bed

“Thanks for driving my sister home, so what happened to her?” Patrick asked as they went out of Ann’s room

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