CHAPTER 11 : You're back :D

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Their 4 days vacation was almost done. Students are now gather at the school ground talking about their vacation, all the students knew where James’ is so some girls felt sad they still didn’t know that Ann is the girlfriend of James, She can hear all the chit chat’s of the girls.

“Aren’t you jealous to all the girls talking about James? Especially their love for James?” Fretzie asked

“Nope why would I? they’re just admiring James.. it’s okay for me but if they flirt with him I’ll break their necks” Ann said

“You already” Fretzie said, They are walking at the corridor when someone shouted at Ann’s name

“ANN!!!” A guy said and she looked back.

“Oh my god you’re back!!” Ann said and ran towards to the guy. She hugged him tightly and the guy hugged her back

“I miss you Ann!”

“I miss you too Sam, how are you?” Ann said as she broke the hugged

“I’m fine I’m fine still in love with you” Sam said and he winked

“Tsss. Stop it!” Ann said and smacked Sam’s face.. Fretzie fake a cough so they will notice her existence.

“Oh omg I forgot Sam remember Fretzie?” Ann said to Sam and he nodded

“Hey, I leave the two of you okay? So you can talk private” Fretzie said and the two agreed

“Let’s go to the school park” Ann said and Sam agreed. He put his arms on Ann’s shoulder. They didn’t know that some school officers are taking pictures of the two of them because Ann is one of the most popular in that University.  They will post those pictures on their website and on their newspaper.

At the school park…

They sat at the bench..

“So how’s America?” Ann asked

“It was good, there’s a lot of pretty girls” Sam kid and Ann laughed

“Oh that’s good so you already moved on to me” Ann said

“Nahh not yet I still like you” Sam said

“Tss. Stop it you know that you’re only a friend to me” Ann said to Sam he just smiled

“I’m sorry Sam, but if you still like me you’ll just hurt yourself.. I already have a boyfriend and I love him” Ann said

“I understand Ann.. but I can wait, someday you’ll break up” Sam said and Ann glared at him

“Kidding!!” Sam said but deep inside he meant it

“So let’s change topic, what are you doing here at our school?”

“I’m enrolling here”

“You mean you’ll not go to America anymore?” Ann asked happily and Sam nodded. She hugged Sam and kissed him on the cheeks

“yey I’m so happy”

“I knew it you’ll be happy with that” Sam said and he hugged Ann.

After their talk Sam droved Ann to their house.

“Come let’s go inside Kuya is here” Ann said and Sam agreed

“KUYA!!” Ann shouted and someone answered her “yeah”

“Please come down” Ann said and in just a seconds Patrick went down

“What is it?”

“TADAAAA!!!” Ann said as she dragged Sam

“Dude you’re back!!” Patrick said as they did a manly hug

“Guess what he’s going to study at our school” Ann said happily

“That’s good” Patrick said

“Let’s go to the gazebo let’s have a talk” Patrick said to Sam and they headed to the gazebo while Ann went to her room first to change.

“He’s still not calling or texting me” Ann said and sighed

In Australia…

“James you should rest I’ll stay with Dad” Lauren said

“You sure?”

“Yes, you need to rest you look so tired” Lauren said worriedly


“Just sleep on my room first and if you want to use my laptop just use it” Lauren said and James nodded. He went home he took a bath and change his clothes. He use his sister’s laptop to surf.

He went to their school’s website and read some articles and he saw an article that made him confuse.

Fashionista Chic Ann Li has a boyfriend now?

He saw the pictures Ann hugging and kissing Sam, Sam’s arms on Sam’s shoulder.

“It happened earlier, the guy called Ann and they seemed to be happy and sweet to each other.. Aww lucky guy to have a girl like Ann we just knew that the name of the guy is Sam Concepcion he came from America a cool and handsome guy indeed” This is the words written on the article. James felt jealous so he closed the tab and turned off the laptop. He headed to the hospital again.

“James why are you here?” Lauren asked James who seems to have a frowned face

“Nothing I need to be busy” James said

“I’ll be with Dad I don’t want to rest” James’ said

“James Reid, what happened?” Lauren asked her brother she knows something not right

“What? nothing happened” James said he started to walk to his father’s room but Lauren grabbed his arms

“James, you go home okay?” Lauren said to James

“I don’t want” James whined

“When I said go go okay?” Lauren said and James sighed

“Okay fine!!” James whined and headed outside. He didn’t go home instead he went to a bar

“James is that you?” A guy said James was sitting alone drinking some liquor

“Ivan!!” James greeted

“Dude, what are you doing here?” Ivan asked as he sat opposite at James’ chair

“I visit my family” James said

“So why are you sitting here alone? Where’s your girls?” Ivan kid

“Duh? I’m not a playboy anymore… “

“Tss. Really? Did someone change you?” Ivan asked as he wiggle his eyebrows

“Well yeah”

“So who’s the lucky girl?”

“Her name is Ann Li” James said plainly

“you’re not happy saying her name what happened?” Ivan asked

“Nothing, I’m just tired” James lied but the truth is his jealous.

In the Philippines…

It’s already 8pm but Ann is still not sleeping.. Patrick went to her room to check her out

“Hey, why are you still awake?” Patrick asked his sister

“I’m waiting for James’ call he said he will call me” Ann said in a sad tone

“Maybe he’s busy Ann, just sleep okay it’s getting late” Patrick said and went out of the room

“Maybe he’s busy” Ann said and started to sleep

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