CHAPTER 15. Reunited

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It’s been 2 weeks since James’ dad had a successful operation. They on their way to the airport going back to Manila. James is too excited, he can’t wait to see Ann and his friends. While on the Philippines

“Why are you sad?” Fretzie asked Ann

“James is not calling me this past few days” Ann said with a sad tone while Fretzie just looked at Shamee and smiled

Bret arrived with Patrick. They are at Fretzie’s house.

“What are you doing here?” Ann asked Patrick

“You’ll now it very soon” Patrick said

“People today are acting so weird” Ann murmured

“Let’s make cupcake guys!” Fretzie said and before they can answer Fretzie dragged them to the kitchen

“Can we just make dinner?” Patrick suggest and they nodded

“Okay sure, it’s near 7pm” Fretzie said and they started cooking while Ann is just sitting watching them

“Why are you not helping us?” Shamee asked Ann

“I don’t know how to cook duh?” Ann said

“So? Prepare the plates” Shamee said and Ann groaned and just obliged

After hours of cooking some goody dishes. They went at the living room and rest

“I’m so tired” Ann said

“You’re tired? Whoaw you just sit there and watch us” Bret said and Ann glared at him

“Let’s eat now!!” Ann said and stood up but Fretzie grabbed her wrist


“We can’t eat, we’re waiting for someone”


But before Fretzie can answer they here a person singing outside.

“Maybe if you go outside you’ll know” Fretzie said and smiled

Listen to this song : ( )

Ann went outside followed by her friends and brother and they saw James. Ann was so shocked she didn’t know that James was already here at the Philippines but her friends actually now it because James’ called them and they know that James would do this stuff. They made a good job sign to James. They were at the back of Ann.

Ann went near at James and smiled. After singing

“I didn’t know that you’re already here” Ann said to James and hugged him so tight

“I miss you” James whispered to Ann

“I miss you too” Ann whispered back they broke the hug and stare at each other’s eye. James face was nearing at Ann’s face and tadaa their lips met and their friends started to cheer.

“I love you!” Ann said

“I love you too” James said and gave an a peck on her lips. They both hugged each other again.

“Hey stop that cheesiness we’re already hungry” Bret shouted and the couple laughed. They walked hand in hand and went in at the house. They went to the dining area and started to eat

“So James how’s your dad?” Patrick asked

“He’s already fine, actually I’m with them they’re going to live here now” James said happily

“That’s good” Patrick said

“So maybe if you’re free tomorrow, you’ll meet Lauren and my parents” James said and winked at Ann

Falling in love with you..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora