CHAPTER 21 : Uh oh JAMES REID you're dead!!!!!

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James woke up feeling excited for something he went to his bathroom and took a bath.

“It’s our 1st anniversary Ann, but I’ll ignore you maybe I’ll talk to you tomorrow I can’t do this. IGNORE ANN TODAY JAMES!!” James said to himself

He went downstairs and greeted Lauren and his parents.

“So James is everything settled now for tomorrow events?” John asked James

“Yes Dad I just need to buy the most important thing” James’ said

“Hmm why don’t you buy that important thing with your sister maybe she can help you” Jasmin said James looked at Lauren

“Fine! Beside I don’t want to stay here all day” Lauren said as she stood up from the couch

“Wow you’re not a lazy butt today huh?” James kid

“Of course!!” Lauren said proudly

“Mom we’ll be heading now!!” James said and they left.

They went to a mall and went to a luxury store.

“Hello Ms. And Mr.”

“I just want to see some of your jewelries here” James’ said

“For your girlfriend sir?” The saleslady asked and looked at Lauren

“Why are you looking at me? Do I look like his girlfriend? We’re look a like SEE!! We’re siblings!!” Lauren says sarcastically and the saleslady apologized

“Eyy your so high blood easy!” James said as Lauren calm herself. Lauren was roaming around the store when she saw a beautiful ring.

“James come here!!” Lauren said but James didn’t mind her so she dragged James

“Ouch why?” James asked irritatingly

“Look!!” Lauren said as she pointed an elegant ring

“What would I do to that?”

“EAT IT!!” Lauren said sarcastically “Bye it duh? I’m sure she’ll love it promise!” Lauren said

“You think?” James asked as he looked at the ring

“Believe me” Lauren said and smiled

While on the Li’s mansion..Ann was at the terrace sitting while her palm on both cheeks and frowned face

“Why your face like that?” Patrick asked Ann. She just looked at Patrick in a while then looked at the other direction again.

“It’s your 1st anniversary with James right?” Patrick blurted out Ann stood up and left Patrick slamming the door

“Tss.. Poor James.. Hope his plan will be successful” Patrick murmured

“It’s our anniversary but he didn’t even greet me nor go here to visit me what kind of boyfriend is he?” Ann said then a knocked on the door was heard

“Come in” Ann said as she lay on the bed

“Ann” Her mom called out

“How are you? Your brother told me that’s it’s your 1st anniversary with James”

“Yeah” Ann said as she sat up

“And why are you so sad?” Her mom asked as she sat beside Ann

“Mom he’s been ignoring me for the whole day I don’t receive any calls or text from him” Ann said and tears started flow

“Did you call or text him?”

“Yeah I did I text him for the nth time but still he didn’t reply I call him but he didn’t accept the call” Ann said and cry her mom just hugged her

“Don’t worry Ann everything will be okay after this” Her mom said

Back to James ad Lauren..

“So how’s your ignoring portion?” Lauren asked they were roaming around the mall

“It kills me like seriously I received 50 texts from her and 11 missed calls” James’ said as he looked at his phone

“It’s your fault” Lauren said and laughed and James sighed

“Everything will be okay tomorrow I can feel it” James’ said and smiled

“Pray for it!” Lauren teased

“Not believing me eh? You’ll see!!” James’ said

“I’ll wait for that” Lauren said

Shamee and Fretzie are in the restaurant that Fretzie’s family owned.

“Do you think James’ plan will work?” Fretzie asked Shamee

“I wish, I bet Ann is really mad at him right now” Shamee said as she flip over the magazine she’s reading.

“Yeah but I wish tomorrow Ann will say yes” Fretzie said and daydream

“We wish!” Shamee said

James and Lauren went home..

“I’m going to sleep I’m tired” Lauren said and went to her room

“So James where’s the ring?” John asked James

“Here”James said as he showed the paper bag

“Oh better keep it now and you should rest now” John said

“Oh sir James” The maid called out


“Miss Ann called earlier he’s looking for you” The maid answered politely

“Oh what did you say?” James asked

“You went somewhere with Miss Lauren then she said okay then she hang up”

“Oh that’s good” James said and smiled

“James I think it’s a bad idea not to greet your girlfriend on your 1st anniversary” Jasmin advice

“No worries mom I can’t handle it” James’ said and went to his room

“Tomorrow is the day” James said and fell asleep

“Please just greet me tomorrow even if it’s late just please” Ann cried as she fell asleep

(Boring chapter? Huhuhuhu :( )

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