Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV

"Theo, get the fuck out. Meeting is post-phoned until further notice." Blaire angrily slammed her laptop down and shoved it into her handbag before taking off like a bat out of hell.

Right now it was evening and she hadn't even noticed how much time had seemed to pass by in that meeting. She mentally exhausted and drained from the meeting with the asshole that she didn't even realize she left earlier than she was supposed to clock out.

"Ugh fuck it. I'll head to a bar and drown in my fucking sorrows." She muttered to herself under her breath before heading to her preferred bar where it was dark, they served strong drinks and being there alone wasn't noticed.

She strolled in and took a seat at the bar, ordered a strong old-fashioned, crossed her legs and looked around to inspect who was in the bar. People were involved in their own groups so she returned to her own drink, relaxing in the dimmed lighting, softly pulsing music and the chatter behind her.

She finished her drink and ordered a second when she felt someone brush beside her, taking the empty seat next to her, ignoring all the other empty seats at the bar. Blaire inhaled and a woodsy cologne, mint and leather that hit her. It was pleasant, earthy and intriguing. The man beside her offered a "Hi", and she tilted her glass in his direction, wanting to be left alone. The man ordered a whiskey and sipped on it quietly. Blaire looked up at the mirror behind the bar, trying to surreptitiously inspect his face without being noticed, but all she could see was the man's thick head of hair and his leather jacket. He looked up at the mirror sensing my glance, and she looked away before making any eye contact. He leaned over, looking down her legs and commented, "Nice heels". She looked down at them, muttered, "Oh, thanks", and turned back to her drink.

He shifted in his seat towards me and said, "Hi. I'm Sebastian".

Blaire sighed in complete exasperation, and started saying "I'm ..." She trailed off to looked at his face and became momentarily speechless. He lowered his head and raised his eyebrows, prompting me and Blaire hesitantly took a gulp and said, "Blaire", her throat suddenly uncomfortably dry.

He tipped his glass toward mine, and she lightly knocked her glass against his in return. He studied me from his seat as Blaire tried to maintain my composure. It was becoming increasingly difficult to do so, as she realised Sebastian Maxwell was not only sitting next to me, but wanted to talk to me. The Celebrity she had once fawned over a while ago was sitting literally next to her.

Blaire cleared her throat, and he leaned towards Blaire and asked, "Are you here with friends or ..." he trailed off waiting for her to finish the sentence.

She inhaled deeply, looked at him and forced herself to answer, replying "I'm alone. What about you?"

"I'm working here in the city. Decided to check out the place and the people on my own".

That caught her attention. One of the world's most devastatingly handsome men was out alone, in my city. At this bar. Making conversation with her. She tried her level best to ignore the sound of her heart thumping so loudly and hard in her chest, and turned to her drink, took a sip but found there was nothing there. He noticed, and ordered her another one.

Blaire nodded, barely remembering her manners and said, "Thanks. That's very generous of you".

He leaned in, placing his hand on the small of her back and flirtatiously replied, "That's no problem. I'm generous in many ways".

This caused Blaire burst out in laughter, unable to control herself, releasing the tension she had built up inside while trying to appear cool and collected. He grinned that bewitching smile at her laughter, and she felt lightheaded at the sight.

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