Chapter 4

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The inside of the limo was silent except for the sound of the traffic filtering through the windows. Theo studied the woman sitting across from him staring through the tinted window. He noted the tense shoulders and the worry in those green eyes, the same ones that had once enchanted him beyond reasonable thought. That is, until she had shown herself for the bitchy woman she really was by damaging his ego simply on the whims of a particularly distasteful attitude he had. Blaire's hair framed a face that hadn't changed much in the past six years, except for a certain self assured maturity in her features. Theo allowed his gaze to travel down the flattering blouse contrasting sharply with the gleaming leather seat of the limo, the gentle swell of her breasts underneath the fabric and down to her hands resting primly on her lap. His eyes rested on the breast - simple and perky yet undoubtedly worth a play if his intel on the woman was correct. Her bra size is probably 34 DD.

She turned, flushing when she noticed his scrutiny and nervously lifted a hand to tuck a stray strand of her hair back into its  hair style. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak with you Theo." She said, her voice subdued yet still tinged with an upper class Boston accent that reeked of good breeding. "I know how busy you must be, so I appreciate it."

 Theo's lips curled in a small smirk but he made no reply. He could feel nervousness and uncertainty emanating from her in waves and he experienced a brief flash of satisfaction at seeing her so uncomfortable. She shifted in her seat and crossed her bare legs, giving him a good view of smooth healthy skin and he felt himself respond to the sight. Blaire dropped her gaze, wondering at his silence. Even more unnerving was the way he kept looking at her with that unnerving smile on his face. For the first time since getting in the vehicle with Theo, Blaire felt apprehensive and she wished she'd listened to her own guts, which by the way were screaming at her to not enter. But she could hardly sit by and watch Theo go on a blazing part of destruction of her without doing anything to try and salvage the situation. She cleared her throat delicately and tried again. "I want to apologize Theo, for what happ..."

"You said you wished to speak to me about the company." Theo cut into her speech. A muscle ticked in his jaw and Blaire felt her pulse speed up at the frigid tone. "Yes." Blaire replied, running her tongue over her lower lip to moisten it. His eyes followed the movement and then turned to flint. "Yes, but I feel I should at least try to make restitution for calling off our meeting in the way I did."

 Theo glanced at his watch and gave her a pointed look. "I do not wish to discuss what just happened. I gave you permission to speak about the company, not things already forgotten. I am a busy man Blaire, and if this is a ruse to try to gain my attention again, then you are sadly mistaken. Her cheeks flamed in anger and she gasped at his accusation. 

"I am not trying to gain your attention Theo." She protested. "That is certainly not why am here. just want to ask you to stop what you are doing to me and coming in desperately into my company all of the sudden! If you have any issues, please take them out on me and that too in private. Leave my company out of this. The atmosphere in the limo was thick with tension and barely contained the anger. Theo stared at Blaire for long moments, his gaze causing goosebumps to form on Blaire's skin and she shivered even though the heater was going full blast.

The silence stretched on for indeterminable minutes before Theo finally replied, his tone as cold as a Boston winter's night. "Issues?" He said, raising an eyebrow. "What issues pray tell Blaire?" 

"This this. Shit attitude thing you have going on." Blaire shot back. "I very well heard the awful things you said to me the earlier this day at my board meeting, how you threatened her with humiliation, or are you going to deny it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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