Remind Him

722 40 4

Your POV:

"You want a beer, Mason?" I asked him.


I nodded and walked to the kitchen. "It was a dick move you know." I said walking back to the living room. "Coming to my mom's house looking for me. Having a gun. They got young kids." I said.

"I'm not a fan of involving kids."

"But you did." I said. "You pulled a gun on their mother in their house. You shot their other mom and now you want to kill their big sister." I said. "Just cause they aren't the target doesn't mean they won't be involved. Kill me and you'll basically be killing all of them. My kids too."

"You have kids?"

"You didn't know that?"

"I kept to myself in prison mostly." He said. "Didn't want to know what was going on in the world beyond those walls cause I knew it wouldn't matter to me."

"Well yeah. I have 3." I smiled. "Oldest is 12, and a newborn. She's only a few months." He nodded. "I know you have a soft spot for kids, you always have. I remember when you always talking about how you couldn't wait to be a father, or an uncle, something that involved being around kids. And just now you said that you barely saw your mom and you hated it. You BARELY saw her, but if you kill me today my kids will never see me." I said. "You can hate me for the rest of your life Mason, but don't take me away from my kids. Or from Morgan. She's not my silly girlfriend anymore. She's my wife, the mother of my kids, love of my life."

He looked down. "You know how Brad is. If you aren't dead he'll"

"He'll do what? Mason, he's locked up. He's gonna be in there for the rest of his life, not just cause of what he did to me but for years and years ago. He's always been trouble and now he's finally paying for what he's done. Stop being afraid of him he can't do anything to me or you. Not from prison." 

Mason looked up. "I'll go back if I surrender."

"If you shoot me you'll go back too. And for longer." I said. "I'll tell them that it was all Brad and that you didn't hurt me. I'll try to help you get fewer years Mason so you can have that family you've always dreamt over just don't kill me today. It's not my time to die." 

"You're right." He looked at the gun. "It's not your time. But maybe it's mine." 

"No." I said. "Mase come on." He looked at me. 

"No one's called me Mase in years." 

"It's not your time either. I know you feel like it is because you'll just go back to prison but I'm gonna help you. I was in a lot of different families before I got adopted, you know that. Out of all those homes, you were the only sibling that made me feel welcomed. Today is not your last Mase." I said. "Put the gun down and we'll walk out of here together. Alive." I said. "Deal?"

He sighed and put the gun on the table. "Deal." 

Hope's POV:

"We got movement. Front door." A voice said over the radio. 

"Alright stand by. Wait for my order." 

The front door opened. "Don't shoot!" Y/N said. "He's unarmed! The gun is in the house he is surrendering! Don't shoot." She said. Mason walked out with his hands up. "He only had 1 gun, it's still in the house, please put your guns down!"

"Stand down!" The cops put their guns down. The walked up and put him in handcuffs. 

"I'll see what I can do." She said to him. 

"I'm sorry." He looked at me. "I'm so sorry. For everything. I sincerely hope Kelley is okay. I'm so sorry, Hope." He walked away. 

Y/N walked to me and I threw my arms around her. "How do you always manage to talk your way out of things?"

"I knew the kind of person he was, kind of person he still is deep down. He just needed to be reminded of that." She mumbled. "But I'd be lying if I said I was confident he was gonna let me go." 

I rubbed her back. "Let's go see Kelley." I nodded.

"Y/N!" Elliot ran to his sister. 

"Hey guys." She hugged her siblings. "I love you guys so much." 

Now we can all go on with our lives.


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