Chapter 1 My Life Gets More Interesting

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"ugh, school is so boring." i thought pretending to pay attention while listening to natewantstobattle on iTunes on my iPod. i looked out the window and wondered if all my life is going to be as boring as school. i thought about how i come here to get a job and education and not do any of the things you see on t.v. or anime or cartoons. i just wondered what it would be like to have an exciting life. i started to doze off as i heard a loud slap on my desk with a "wake up sleepy head!" it was my teacher Mrs. Johanson who woke kids up by slapping their desks with a long thick ruler. she was the typical kids 'evil' teacher who hated probably every kid known to man. who knows why she chose a job that requires to teach things she didn't like. "uh, yes Mrs. Johanson." i said. "that's Mrs. Johanson to you!" she said. "but i already..." "enough now stop slacking and pull out those earbuds, before i confiscate them to the principals office." "yes Mrs. Johanson." i said bored from hearing her same threat for like the 10th time this year. i should probably introduce myself now huh? well my names a pretty common one Jake, i was wearing at the time the standard blue t-shirt and jeans. i had brown hair, but over time it darkened to look much more black, brown eyes, and a tired expression all the time. i was always bored or tired or sometimes both. i wasn't very fit, in fact i excepted the fact that i was fat. i didn't have very reliable friends either most just called me stupid or yelled at me, which was fine. I tried ignoring most of them, but there were a few who didn't quite catch on that i didn't have an extreme sense of humor. Some of my friends would take stuff from me and literally throw them in the trash cans, which i could only be okay with once or twice after that i got very mad. I even got so mad as to start picking fights with one of them. I won't give their names and even if i gave their names in this story i'm not gonna use their real ones of course, duh. anyway i was a pretty normal guy, sure i had some odd hobbies like not liking regular food normal people ate, any food i ever came across just smelled gross to me. the only kinds of food i really ever ate was waffles and chicken nuggets and fries from McDonald's and Wendy's. i hated any other kind of food, except for candy. who doesn't love candy, especially chocolate. i know there are some people out there who don't like candy, but still. after school was over i made my way up a hill which contained a path like a sidewalk up to a level of cars to the right side of the school if you faced yourself in front of it and looked the way the school was facing it would be right. i walked up this hill and almost always got picked up from one of my family members, usually my mom. this time however i had to walk home since my family had went on vacation and i decided not to go, sure they were going to Disney world, but i'd rather stay home and watch some anime or YouTube. my family, besides my Nana, or grandma were already gone for the past week and wouldn't be back for the next few days. i had enough food and supplies to last me for the rest of that if i handled my cards right. i'd probably ate at least two or three weeks worth of waffles by now. i know that makes me sound like one of those guys who have a gut too big for any shirt to fit and just sit home and play video games all day, you know those stereotypical gamer's, but i was not like that. i may eat a lot, but at least i can still fit into most of my shirts. i threw on some pj's as i got into my room and laid down in my bed. i began to watch some videos, but over time I suddenly got a sleep spell and fell asleep. when i woke up i heard a very high pitched voice yelling "wake up!" i opened my eyes still half asleep thinking i was dreaming i saw a little girl in a bright blue dress, and by little i mean tiny with wings and a wand. "you're a fairy aren't you?" i asked not even acting surprised one bit. "F-A-E-R-I-E!" she yelled. "what faerie?" i asked. "yes that's how you spell it you nincompoop!" she tried acting mean and scary but it just came out as a cute little fit. "how would you know how i spelled your races name when i pronounced it the same way...i think that makes sense right? you know what i mean!" i said now starting to get a little frustrated. "well i could tell you were trying to think of it in the way you spell it on earth right!? you humans have no conscious when it comes to how animals want to be named or spelled! you just go 'look here's a new species why don't we name it dog after some human who had the same name." she said trying to do her best guy voice. "well i don't think dogs were named after a human, that would've been weird." i said a little skeptical. "well not as weird as some guy having his name carved in the side of the moon!" the faerie said. "wait how do you know so much about us? you said we weren't on earth anymore?" i asked. "oh well what do you know, you actually paid attention!" she said acting surprised. this fairy or faerie or whatever you call it was driving me insane now. i asked her the question again and she replied cryptically "well, how do you suppose humans found out about 'mythical creatures' as you call it now." i answered her question, which i guess answered my own with "well, let me think, i suppose you guys could go to earth and come back here at anytime?" i calmed down a little only to be angered again as she said "good job boy! want a cookie?" her sarcasm was reeeeaaaallyy making me mad. "alright that's it time to ask the bigger question before i ditch you, where am i?" i asked now noticing that i was in a forest surrounded by trees, which reminded me of breath of the wild and the forest near the master sword. i wondered if i was in Zelda? and if so if i could find the great Deku tree? my hopes were shot down as the fairy began saying "well your in an area that can't really be described, think of it as not in 'your own reality' as in you're in another reality altogether, kind of. and also i hate to have to say this, but you now have powers that only select humans are granted." "wait powers what powers?" "....omnipo...omni.." "omnipotence?" "...." she didn't respond and looked like she was ready to run and hide. i guessed she was probably thinking after yelling at me like that i would use my powers on her if i found out i had them. i backed up a bit stepping on a twig and asked "wait, let me get this straight, i have omnipotent powers in here? as in i can do literally anything i so desire?" "yes, that is correct." "OK, hold on let me try something minor." i thought of a handle appearing in my hand and it did indeed happen. "whoa." i said amazed at something in this entire area for once. i may have squealed just a tiny bit by the new exciting life i was about to have, i mean what could go wrong right? "this is just like an anime!" i thought getting a very dangerous idea.

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