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I woke at 7:15 in the morning I didn't have that well. Of sleep yesterday so i fixed my bed got dressed and went "downstairs". To fix breakfast and shut my tv off and grabed my keys off of the table

And left then I shut. My door and got into my car and drove. To the nearest Starbucks. And got a drive through

Lady: how can I help you

Me: can I have a ice coffee please

Lady: ok anything else.

Me: umm maby. A  coconut cookie please.

Lady: sure

Me: thanks

I got my coffee and my coffee. I went home and Hank out. As I went home I got out of my car and walked to my door and put my key in. It and put my car keys down and my house keys down to as I went to go lay down and play with my phone and drink my coffee  as I take. My shoes off I got a call

I looked at my phone and it was Fergal why would Fergal. Call me at this time so I answered

Sam😎: hello I said

Fergal😜: yeah you no how Bayley lives next to your mom he said breathing hard and panic

Sam😎: yess I said what's going on

Fergal😝: Bayley called me and she said your mom got ran over he said sad

Sam😎: WHAT! I said

As I hanked up on Fergal as I put my shoes on and ran to the living room and grabed my car keys and left as I ran in my. Car I drove to my moms house

20 minutes later i finally got there and I see 2 cop cars 1 ambulance Fergal bayley and my brother as I opened my mouth and got out how did this happen I said  well your mom was going to the market and Bayley was going to the gym so Bayley sees. Your mom go so as she went on the road she got ran over and Bayley calls the ambulance and called me Fergal said so how did my brother come I said I called him Fergal said putting his hand in his pocket. So why nobody called me I'm her daughter! I said yelling I'm sorry I didn't want you to get worried  Fergal said trying. To make me feel better I'm talking to Bayley and my brother too! I said raising my voice mom are you ok me and my brother said y-yes I'm so hurt she said ok it will be fine c,mon me and joe will come with you to the hospital I said no just joe she said ok Joe go I said alright he said he went in the truck and left Fergal! I said what he said why you guys didn't tell me now it looks BAYLEY TOLD FERGAL BUT NOT ME AND FERGAL CALLED JOE AND FERGAL CALLED ME WHEN THE AMBULANCE CAME AND THE COPS! Like I wasn't her daughter I said walking away I feel so bad Fergal said me to Bayley said. I should've called her first fergal said

Samantha's P.O.V i can't believe that I feel so bad I went to hard on them but it is there falt they should feel bad for me I hope my mom is ok I went to my car and got in. And drove 20 minutes later I got there and I got of my car and opened the door and put my keys down  and ran to my bed I can't believe it i said thinking what should I do I here a knock on the door who is that now I said signing. I go and open the door who is it it Fergal he said why are you here I don't like you right now I said I just wanted to say I'm sooo sorry I'm Wrong I'v should've called you first your her daughter he said its ok just don't do that again I said ok I promise he said hugging me bye good night Fergal said good night get home safe ok mom he said laughing

i shut the door and call Joe after 10 rings he answered why is this cock not answering

On the phone with Joe 

Me: hello Joe are you there

Joe: yeah I'm here she's good she needs surgery but nothing serious

Me: oh my goodness how long will she be out

Joe: I don't no bye the doctor is here

Me: bye

After I hanked up on Joe I made dinner for me and went to bed and went on my phone and played with my computer I got tired so I went to sleep and I got a text from Fergal at 4:20 at night and picked up my phone and read the text it said

I'm just checking up on you are you ok if your sleeping I'm sorry if your up text back............Fergal

I text back saying I'm ok thank you are you ok as I went to sleep

Thank you so much for reading my story hope you Injoyed this😜😜😜 chapter hope you injoy my next one love you's 😍😘😘😘

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