8: "Oh My God!"

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(Fergal's.P.O.V) after the night me and Gucci had we had a blast mostly. The restaurant I'm so lucky to have her I fell like the most luckiest man in the world I didn't know she was going to say yes I don't even know how I said that even though my stomach was turning as I was saying those words

"Gucci wake up" I said shaking her

"What do you want" Gucci said

"Wake up i have to asked you something did we use a condom"I asked worried

"Oh My God!" Gucci half yelled out of when she just woke up

"Problem"I said biting my lip

"I know what are going to do" she asked.

"I don't know maybe we should have sex without a condom! I said in sarcasm

"We're going to the doctor get dressed" she said getting up

"Wait...Gucci if you are pregnant I promise you I will be here we will go though these problems together ok am I clear" I said

"Yeah your right and if I am good news if I'm not good again. She said

"Yeah go get dressed" I said

(20 minutes later)

As we. Both got dressed we got in Fergal's car and we drove off

"G are you ok babe. Fergal asked

"...oh yeah just a little...nervous"I said looking out the window

"Look how many times I have to tell you I'm here for you and if you are then a. Blessing from god I promise...we will be ok" Fergal said holding my hand.

"See this is why I love you so much" I said kissing him

Thew that conversation we were silent I know not to. Be nervous because I know Fergal has my back and and this is the reason why I love Fergal so much I'm so lucky to have this man. In my life

(At the doctor)

"Gucci" are you ok Fergal asked

"Yeah...I'm good are you ok" I asked

"Yeah I'm always good even when my little. Brother hit me with a baseball by "accident" Fergal did the fingers

" your adorable" I said holding his hand

(1 hour later)

Me and Fergal are done with the doctor and I'm not pregnant and that's a little sad but I'm happy I'm worried about what Fergal thinks he probably wants a child or. Not so we got in the car and drove off

"Fergal did you want a kid" I asked

"No but if you did we I'm fine with your fine with babe" Fergal said kissing my hand

"Ok but I'm a little bummed at it"I sighed

"Don't worry I got you ok when your with me you do t have to worry" Fergal said

"Thanks babe" I said

"No problem beautiful." Fergal said

"Are we home yet" I said

"No why" Fergal said

"Because I'm hungry" I said

"Ok do you want to eat Burger King drive thew

"Yeah! I love. Burger King" I said

"Adorable" Fergal said

20 minutes later

When we was done with Burger King we went to fergals house

Yeah me and Fergal live together now😉

" Fergal I love you honey" I said smiling

"I love you more beautiful" Fergal said

As we got in our house Fergal put his key in the door and we got in and I took off my shoes and sat down on the couch.

"Gucci" Fergal said

"What" I said

"Can...I asked you something." Fergal said

"Sure honey" I said

"Does anyone know about us...together. Fergal said

"No and there. Gonna only if you want people to know" I said

"No good they don't know because people would be in our life's and I don't want that" Fergal said

"Ok I said

" fergal is it OK if I take a nap." I said

"Yeah we had a bad day I think I'm going to take a nap to" fergal said

As we both went in me and fergals room we both played with our phones untill we both fell asleep...

Thanks. For all the love votes and reads i hope you guys injoy every chapter. Comment if you think fergal and gucci should try again but they just started dating si maybe in the future

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