Chapter Three: The Devil's Visit

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Image Credit: Sosokrobota on Tumblr.

I shook my head, oh my god! Why now? Why me? I looked around and didn't find any article of my clothing. Bad, bad. Maybe Jumin is just washing my clothes? Jumin came back into the room with a pretty white cotton dress, but also a new pair of under garments.

"I hope last night wasn't just a one night stand. Still, I would need to discuss with my father about us."

"What do you mean by us?"

"Well to start a relationship between the both of us. Wouldn't you like that?" Jumin asked. Walking over to me and sitting down on the bed. He leaned over and kissed my forehead, I nodded my head.

"Yes... we can start a nice refreshing relationship, it could be good for the both of us." I smiled. I took the clothing away from him and Jumin pulled away.

"Breakfast will be ready in a bit. I'll be outside, I have some business to attend to. Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you." He gave me a small smile, before he left the room.

I could feel her presence. She sat beside me and it was myself, but was like the little devil on my shoulder. She smirked, as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You're just the kind of woman that Jumin hates the most. Women who only use him," she giggled. "You truly don't love him, you're just lying to yourself at this point. You're no better than a gold digger. Have you ever considered your feelings for V? You're such a user." She hummed.

I quickly got changed into the clothes Jumin gave me and fled to the door. I could sense her following me and that's when she wrapped her arms around me. She's not real... she's not real. She's just a fragment of my imagination. I'm just having a bad day, that's all. Everything will be fine once I regain my energy by eating breakfast.

"Whore..." She whispered into my ear.

"Shut up." I grabbed for the door knob and she giggled once more.

"I said, SHUT UP!" I screamed. I felt like someone just sucked the life out of me. She finally faded away and I fell to the ground. I covered my ears with my hands and told myself everything she said wasn't true.

The door swung open and I felt someone placing their hand on my head. I glanced up and it wasn't Jumin, but the man I dreaded seeing the most. V. He smiled at me.

"What's wrong? I heard you scream and I ran over here. Anyways, what are you doing in Jumin's place?" He asked. I couldn't tell him, nor could I lie in front of his face. Ah yes. I'm here, because I had sex with your best friend. Since I'm kind of in love with him. Geez, what kind of hole did I dig myself into? I slowly stood up and laughed nervously. It was quite obvious that I wasn't in the best shape.

"Just here, since I have nothing else better to do. Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Well the thing is-"

"However, is it strange for my girlfriend to be here?" Jumin crossed his arms. He stood behind V and he turned his head to him. Before he turned his whole body and tilted his head in confusion.

"Are you trying to be funny again, Jumin?" He laughed a bit. Jumin sighed and he shook his head.

"I would never joke about (Y/N)'s feelings, isn't that right my love?" Jumin asked softly. His voice sounded like he found the key to happiness. It was sweet, yet heartbreaking at the same time. I felt like everyone's attention was turned to me.

Promise For Today (V x Reader x Jumin) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now