Chapter 5 - "The Double Agent"

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~*~*~ Storybrooke, Granny's Diner ~*~*~

Emma: So in reality those kids have no idea what you are really here for and they think you will actually help them get their hands on the Rairy God Mother's wand?
Diana: Exactly. Maleficent might be smart but my father's trickery had always been two steps ahead of her planning.
Mr. Gold: Well you are half right here. The right way to say it is that You were actually ahead of her. Our father has a little bit of flaws in his plans while you're ideas usually cover up his missing idea holes.
Felix: You know there is an event coming up which mind actually give up a great reason to brake Pan out of there
Jefferson: I can even talk the King and Queen into setting him free. I think we gathered enough proof for them to finally set him free

Emma: yes that's true but there is no guaranty that they will set him free.
Felix: lets just hope they do.
Jefferson: we won't know unless we try.
Mr Gold: what do you say sis?

Diana: I say the soon as we get him out, the sooner we can all go home. This place is just playing weird and it gets even worse by the minute

Felix and Jefferson: can't disagree with you there.
Mr Gold and Emma nod there heads in agreement.

Diana: Jeff mind going for a walk with me? I need some fresh air here *says while standing up*

Jefferson: sure, i don't mind at all *says as he also stands up*

Diana smiles and takes his hand, leading him out of the Dinner and sits outside with him, opening a cigarette pack and handing one to him as well

Jefferson lets her lead him outside and sits down next to her and takes the cigarette while a "thank you"

Diana smiles and kisses his cheek before handing him the lighter after she lights her own
Diana: I holp those kids dont overreact after they find out what I'm doing while they are trying to finish their mission at the school

Jefferson: *smiles and blushes and takes the lighter and lights his cigarette* i'm hoping they won't make a huge drama of it for you what i am sure of is that they will be shocked that's for sure.

Diana: Well that's their own problem. My idea has always been one thing, get dad out and all of us, coming back home in one peace

Jefferson: that's true, i can't disagree. the faster we get him out the better.

Diana: I'm really glad we are together again. I really missed all of you. How annoying was my Uncle Felix by the way?

Jefferson: i couldn't agree more as for how annoying Felix was well same old same old i guess you know he was lot more annoying then usual.

Diana: Don't remind me. He can be some pain in the ass when he wants to be *says as she finishes her cigarette and moves into his lap*

Jefferson: you know it and hey your the one who asked. *says as he fishes his cigarette and winks while wrapping both his arms around Diana's waist and blushes a dark red*

Diana wraps her arms around his neck and leans in closer to him, pulling his as close as possible to herself

Jefferson: *smiles and pulls her just as close against himself and places a very loving kiss on her forehead, eyes and cheeks and nose*

Diana rolled her eyes before leaning in and placing her lips on his, keeping her arms locked around his neck

Jefferson: *his eyes widen for a second before he kisses her back smiling and pulls her even closer and tighter against him*

Diana pulls away only when air is needed and kisses him all over the face with happy tears running down her face

Jefferson: *chuckles and wipes away her tears* i love you so so much Diana, sins the moment i met you. I'm so happy you feel the same way i do. i'll do anything i can to make and keep you safe and happy.
without them noticing it 10 pairs of eyes have bin watching from the dinner window.
Emma, Mr gold, Felix,Hook and Regina: aww how sweet <3
Mr gold and Felix *grin and smile* so called it
Hook: here. *gives them both some money*
Regena does the same and hand them both some money
Emma: you Four made a bet for money really? well looks like Felix and Mr gold are the winners.
Felix and Mr gold nod there heads and hum a "yes"
Emma: *rolls her eyes and shakes her head with a smile then looks back at Diana and Jefferson and sequels at what she sees*
Jefferson: *leans back in and smashes his lips back on hers and kisses her with nothing but love and passion*

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