Chapter 6 - "For the Love of a Brother"

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~ * ~ Around midnight on the roof ~ * ~

A familiar voice: And here I thought for a moment it wouldn't be so easy to make you come here without arousing suspicion *says a chuckling figure from the shadows*
Diana: Well it's not that hard when you think about who I really am *says as she walks out in the light of the full moon* You can come out now Jake. I know you too well to tell who asked for me out here at this time of the night
The boy chuckles and jumps out of the shadows, swaying his way towards her with a devilish grin, playing on his pink sweet lips that always intoxicated her even by watching them move

 Diana: What are you doing here in the middle of the night? *says as she runs a hand over his soft left cheek* Jake: I needed to see my other half *says as he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her as close to himself as possible* You have n...

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Diana: What are you doing here in the middle of the night? *says as she runs a hand over his soft left cheek*
Jake: I needed to see my other half *says as he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her as close to himself as possible* You have no idea how it feels to be away from the person you love most in this world and feel like your heart has been ripped away from you after everything that you have gone through together
Diana: That's not true *says while wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in a tight hug as she presses her lips to his cheek* After all I'm force to be away from you everyday ... and from dad, having in mind you boys are the only blood relatives I have left in this world ... you're my twin ... my other half I can't live without, otherwise I might fall apart *says while fresh sweet tears run down her face and onto his neck* How do you think I feel when I can't see my own twin brother by my side in every second of my life? Sure I have a great boyfriend and amazing friends that make me happy but there is always a gap that not even father can fill. A gap that tortures me soo much I can't sleep at night without the want to be in your arms so I can feel whole again. Jacob Pan you're the only reason I'm alive right now and not fallen into my doom so far. Don't you understand I'm trying to do the impossible to get you back into my life like you once were? Not that I'm not happy we still get to have moments like this ... but that's not enough for me. Don't you realize that?
Jake: I do. But it's just that ... I don't like how you risk everything to do something that might end up with you loosing everything you have so far
Diana: And what do I have so far that isn't worth trading for the desire to have the only person that once told me "There will come a time in which we will have to make a choice between life and death and If it means saving your life I will gladly but myself under the knife and except my fate just to see that harm never comes towards you"?
Jake: Diana --
Diana: Jake in that operating room you have your life for mine. Do you have any idea what you did? Sure you saved my life but at what price? You doomed me to live a life in which my own twin is only a shadow and I can see you once in every 3 years under the moon light. By giving your heart away you curse yourself into living a life as a life line
Jake: What do you mean? *asks confuse by her last sentence*
Diana: I mean that when you gave me your heart and got sucked into the shadows, you became MY shadow that can make me die by simply being ripped off of me. In that operating room you told me everything will be alright after I wake up but it wasn't till 3 years after when I once again heard your laugh and saw your smile along with those sparkling green eyes I can never get enough of *says while wiping tears away from his face that keep running down his face as he listens to his sister's words*
Jake: I'm soo sorry Diane *says while rubbing his nose in hers while tears kept running down his face*
Diana: You should be ... cause you have no idea what kind of desires you woke up inside of me *says with a deep voice as the tears on her face dry away while she crashes her lips into her brother's*

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