Episode 1-Jolly Alpha Five Niner

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I was being bounced around in the back of the helicopter. The pilot didn't seem to notice that there was an escapee hiding in the back. This helicopter was on it's way to deliver supplies to a nearby survival town. Every so often a shy young mans voice would come over the airwaves. This time he gave us permission to land. We must be close. 

It was quiet for a little while before a large box slid across the floor and suddenly I was stuck in a painful position.  I winced and tried to push the box away without causing to much attention to myself.  Got myself a bit more leg room. 

Nothing extraordinary happened for a moment before the sound of a dozen or more gunshots surrounded us.  The pilot said something about it not coming from the township we're going to, which I now know is called Abel Township. 

The pilot cursed again, as she commented on how she could see something in the distance flying towards the chopper. 

"A rocket launcher!?" She said in a surprised tone. I froze in fear. "Who would have a rocket launcher?" 

Bang! We were hit! I braced myself but found myself flying across the compartment and banging my head against metal. Not a pleasant feeling in the world. Echoes flooded my ears as I heard the pilot contact Abel Township that we have been hit and are no more than three miles away. The young man came back again and I could hear him telling her to get out of the helicopter immediately. 

I could feel the helicopter spiral downwards and tried to do something to save my life but was too late. From the view up in the pilots seat I could see we were stuck in a large tree. I hurried over the pilot and found her knocked out cold. I could hear crackling on her headset and pulled it off of her head. I put the headset on and could hear the man from before trying to get in contact with us. He was saying if I could hear him that I should jump. I grabbed a backpack from one of the supply crates and opened the helicopters sliding door. 

I looked down, it wasn't that far of a jump, a story down. I took a deep breath before making the leap. I landed hard on the ground. I felt a few scratches on my face and there will probably be bruising later, but I was and felt fine. 

The same voice from Abel Township came back, but he couldn't hear my replies. I checked the mic on my headset and groaned in frustration. The mic was cracked. Just my luck...

The man told me that his name was Sam Yao from Abel Township. He sounded worried for me. he told me to the only thing I could do...I heard the moans of the zombies behind me and I ran. 

I'm used to running through the wilderness, away from the undead. I was a Runner once for the Mullins Base. Was pretty damn good at it too. I looked behind me and saw that these were the slower zombies, but they were part of a large group. I stopped to take a breather a mile in, collected a few items along the way and stashed them in my backpack. Might as well help these people since I didn't think at the time to grab any of the supplies from the plane. I collected a bottle of water, two packs of batteries, a sports bra, and a usb key. I hope they won't see me as a burden if I brought supplies.  I would be another mouth to feed, another (probably cold) shower, another bed...

I picked up an old shirt that was abandoned on the ground and put that in my backpack as well and began running again. I ran another mile before Sam's voice came back. He said he could see me running and asked if I could keep going. I said yes, but knew he couldn't hear me. I could hear him comment on how I was following his instructions to get to the tower. He said that he was going to start calling me running person for the moment, which made me laugh softly. I waited on instructions on what to do next. Sam said that I was going to leave the forest, which made me worry because of the "small army" of zombies following me. Distracting me, Sam told me of an old saw mill to the east. He said I should be able to see the large red signs from my position, which I could. I headed in that direction. In my ears, he sounded surprised that I actually listened to him, suddenly sounding calmer about the situation. 

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