Episode 6- Reigniting the Flames of Chemistry...

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By early morning, a few of the runners from Abel Township have arrived and it didn't take very long before the gun shots ceased and Runner 8 and I were able to return to Abel. The people at Brunswick put out the fire that was slowly dwindling. People were grateful and happy that I arrived. I hated that kind of attention on me. That I was some sort of savior to them. I am nothing but a girl with a dark past and just trying to do good things. Yes, I saved lives, I know that. But, I don't feel like any sort of hero.

Sam and Evan told me to rest a couple of days and recoup since a lot happened. I was grateful, since my legs were throbbing from all that running. I didn't really feel the pain until I sat down on my cot. Doctor Myers finally left me alone with all the checkups and told me to let her know if anything is bothering me. She gave me some pain meds to help with the pain in my legs. It's just my body not being used to running everyday so it's just sore. But, I took the pill and set out for a walk around base while drinking from my water bottle.

When I got around to the main part of the town, I spotted Ed and Molly at the playground not too far from where I stood. I smiled and walked over to them. Molly spotted me first and ran over to me.

"Runner 5!" She wrapped her small arms around my legs. I gave her a big smile and crouched down to her level.

"How are you today Molly?" I asked her.

"Daddy and I found some fruit while on our walk! Would you like some?" She bounced around excitedly as I looked at Ed. He nodded.

"We would love to have you join us, Runner Five," Ed said with a smile. "Molly never stops talking about you and how she misses you."

"I even drew you a picture!" Molly said excitedly. "Come on, come on!"

She pulled me by the hand as we walked towards a tent in the distance.

"They haven't built us our own place yet so we've been camping out here," Ed said and I suddenly felt guilty. Maybe I should try and see if I could go back to the chopper to see what building supplies I could bring back. That's what the supply drop was for right? To help build shelters for these people?

The tent was large enough for a whole family. When I crawled inside, I see that there were dividers separating the rooms and it looked like Ed had some makeshift seating as well. Molly pulled out a knapsack and a moment later she gave each of us one apple. It was a bright red and had a few bruises but looked still good to eat. Ed had to pull out his pocket knife to slice Molly's apple since she can't eat them whole yet.

"Maybe we should save the trees and see if we could try and plant them," I mentioned as we had our snack.

"That's not a bad idea, Runner Five," Ed said. "Would ya mention it to that one young lady who's in charge? The one with the blonde hair...what's her name again?"

"Janine?" I said and he nodded. "Sure, I'll say something and see what she thinks. It would be nice if we could have our own little orchard here..."

"We can have oranges, different colored apples, mashed potatoes..." Molly started sprouting off many different things that could grow in the ground.

"If we can find the seeds for them, we can try," I said and she smiled while eating her apple slices. We gathered all the apple seeds into a little plastic cup and Molly said something about protecting it until I came back.

After the snack time with Molly and Ed, I walked out of the tent and started walking again. There were a couple of "streets" to Abel Township. I found another park and it was completely empty. Looked kinda abandoned by the look of it. So I walked over to the swing set and sat down. This was a hobby of mine as a kid when I started having anxiety issues. I would yell at my parents and run to the park down the street. It would normally be at night when I would run away. Gazing at the night sky helped ease my worries. Right now, the sun was halfway up the blue sky. I was lost in thought for a while, just thinking about random things when I heard someone walking on the gravel of the park.

I looked up and saw Sam, giving me a nervous smile. "Hey, Runner Five..." He said in an awkward tone. He waved.

"Were you looking for me?" I asked him and he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Er, Um...sort of..." He jumbled up his words and I smiled. I could see a hint of red covering his cheeks as I witnessed Sam Yao being embarrassed.

"Do you need me to go on a mission?" I asked. "I thought it was my day off so I left my radio on my bed..."

"No, no," He gave a chuckle. "It is a day off for you. I was just getting off work and was searching for you and that new guy, Ed, said that he saw you head this way." He paused for a moment before motioning to the swing beside me. "Do you mind...if I join you?"

I shrugged and he sat down beside me and it became quiet again, the only noise was the creaking of the swings.

"Um...Runner Five..." Sam spoke in a quiet voice. I looked over at him. "You never really told us about yourself. Like, where you came from, your family...not even your real name. Unless it's really Five but I don't remember Mullins raising soldiers with number names..."

I smiled and a tried to muffle out a burst of laughter. Mullins wasn't THAT bad, I can agree with that. But it was still funny that Sam and probably others have thought that we were all soldiers. I couldn't just tell him my name straight out. So maybe I could turn it into some sort of game?

"Okay..." I began. "What about this? If you can figure out my real name by the time of my next mission then..."

"We can be friends?" Sam asked and I smiled.

"Yes, we can be friends..." I paused. "I'll tell you anything you want to know about me after that. But, you have to promise none it gets out. I don't want the other Runner's to think I'm some weak girl. They are just starting to get used to me and being a bit friendly."

Sam puffs out his chest. "I promise and I won't let your secrets get out!" He says this as if he's some superhero. I start laughing again and soon enough Sam joins me.

"So, only a bit over twenty-eight hours to go..." Sam says and starts to think. "Er...Elizabeth?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nope, Not even close."

"What does it start with?"

"I'm not making it that easy..." I got out of my seat and started walking away.




"Heck no!"


"Now you are just spurting out random girl names." I turned to face him as we headed out of town. "Okay, one hint: It's a name that can be either used as a boy or girl name. Don't tell me until the Twenty-eight hours is up."

I turned away and was happy that Sam was thinking this time. As we headed walked down the dirt road I looked at Sam, who was beside me. Every few seconds he acted like he was about to say something but went into his thinking face again.

"Does anyone else in base know your true name?" Sam asked and I shook my head and he droops his as if in defeat.

Rest of the day was Sam trying to figure out my name. He stood by my side and tried his hardest. I gave him this cheeky grin when he finally came close.

"Is it Al?" He asked and I shook my head and grinned.

"You are close," I admitted and his expression brightened.

I suddenly had this urge to tell him the truth right then and there but then shook my head. I wanted him to earn it.

Zombies, Run! Fanfiction Season 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ