Episode 4-A Lost Child

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"Raise the gates!"

The siren blared as the voice of Sam Yao came on over the headset. "Runner 5, ready...gates are open, covering fire and...go!"

I sprinted out into the zombie wilderness and Sam's voice continued as I ran passed the gun shots ringing past me.

"We got that report confirmed, Runner 5," Sam said. "There's a kid wondering in No Mans Land. You're heading right for it. Sometimes happens that way, you know. Zom attacks, parents fight it off and gets bit, kills the zom. Then abandoned the kid and runs off so they won't eat it when they turn." I could hear Sam make a shuddering sound before continuing. "Kid zoms are the worst, aren't they. Sometimes in these scenarios the kids bitten too. Watch yourself. But in this case, we think not. We've been monitoring for a few hours and kids usually turn faster than adults. Faster metabolism, everything works faster. I saw a kid go zom in under five minutes. Parents watched it...that was grim." There was a pause for a moment. "Hey Runner 5, you made quite an impression around here. Especially after leading those zoms out to New Canton. We didn't expect to get a new runner so soon. Well, I knew someone would be coming in on that supply 'copter from the military base up north but...all they told me was that we'll be getting some more med kits, some extra shelter with someone who knew how to put them up. Guess you were supposed to chopper in, teach us how to build the shelters, and then chopper out right? Guess you guys wont be sending another chopper out anytime soon huh. Not the first time, eh?

We're still haven't figured out what happened there. Didn't come from New Canton, didn't come from us." Sam chuckled softly. "Obviously. Um, didn't come from the city...no one there but walking dead anyway and the day they start to use rocket launchers we'll all be in trouble. Seems like it might've come from the wilderness. Kinda where your nearing today?" There was an awkward silence between us. "Anyway, you're doing great! Yep, nice steady pace. All clear on the scanner up ahead. Just...keep going."

I ran in the direction Sam told me to and within a mile, or maybe two, I was in what looked like a burned down town. It was quiet for a moment before Sam came back on. While he spoke I could hear a child crying not too far away.

"Okay," Sam said. "You are getting close to the kid. I know the major is always saying we don't have enough space back at base and every person has to pull their weight and taking in everyone is kinda how New Canton going through the trouble their in but...still, I'm glad everyone is on board with not letting children die from exposure. Basic ground rules of human society. Hey, can you see that? There's some movement on the scanner and you should be able to see the kid any second now. I...I think they are heading towards you."

I can hear a vehicle heading towards me. I turned around and see a motorcycle heading right towards me. I can hear Sam say that they were heading for the kid, which confirmed my suspicions. Sam said to hurry before they get to the kid first. The kid was a little girl, and she was crying. Probably scared for her life. Before Sam could say the magic words, I ran as fast as I could towards the little girl. She was no more than half a mile away from me. I could make it! But, could I honestly out run a fast-moving vehicle? I had to try!

The girl walked towards me and I overheard the guy saying to leave the kid to him. Under my dead body, I thought.

"I don't know what that guy wants but he's right behind you but yours still ahead." Sam said over the loud engine. Just put on a burst of speed and you'll find the kid. Now then you grab it and...well, just keep running! I'll think of something..."

I ran to the child and scooped her up in my arms.

"Put that child down," the man called out. "Leave her with me."

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