Episode 2- Distraction

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It's been a couple of days since the crash. Doctor Myers had me come to her office every day after training with the head of runners to make sure I was okay to do another mission. Sam tried to back me up by telling her I was fine and how he needed his new runner back on the field asap. I understood Doctor Meyers' concern because she didn't want me having panic attacks out there. I told them about being a runner for Mullins Base and it seemed to ease her worries a little. I was doing some stretches in the prep room that was not too far from the gates when I heard Sam's voice over the intercom. 

"Aw, that's not supposed to happen. The gates are stuck. Can anyone see that the gates are stuck? Do we have an engineer? " 

The intercom cut off abruptly and Runner 7, Evan, came into the prep room and looked at us. "Okay,Runners. The gates are stuck in the open position. I need a few of you to go out and distract the zombies. I need Runner 2, Runner 3, Runner 5 and Runner 8. Go, go go!" 

I put on my headset and heard Sams' voice in my ear. "Runner 5?"

"I hear you," I said into the mic. 

"Okay, we need you to go out right now. I'm pairing you with Runner 8 today--"

I laced up my shoes and a woman with short black hair approached me. This must be Runner 8. She went into a coughing fit for a moment before introducing herself. 

"Sorry about that. Hey there, I'm Runner 8. Sara Smith. How you doing? Ready to go out and misdirect some zombies?" 

"No time for chit chat," Sam said, interrupting her. "Now take a couple of noise makers from the locker while we fix the gates. Strap it on your back." 

I turned on the noise maker. It had straps on it and can be worn like a backpack. Mullins Base had a more advanced version of this. Abel must not be so hip on technology. I didn't complain as I strapped on the noise maker on my body. 

"Now, run around and get the zoms to chase you while we fix the gates. Go, run!" Sams' voice faded out of earshot as we duck underneath the stuck gates and into the wilderness. We ran and it didn't take long to see the small horde nearing the gates. As soon as they heard the noise makers they turned around and were now attracted to us. My heart thudded in my chest. I hated  being so close to the undead before. It brought a memory that I rather forget. I ran alongside Runner 8, even though I could probably easily get ahead of her. She was fast, as all the Runners at Abel were. But, I was a Mullins Base Runner, and Mullins Base Runners were like athletes. Always training, always staying fit (physically and mentally). It was like we were really part of the armed forces or something like that. I was always on my feet back then...until the accident...

I shook my head again and looked back to see if the zoms were still behind us, which they were. We were fresh meat to them and we were a priority in their empty minds right now. 

It was eerily quiet right now. Too quiet. Sams voice hasn't come back yet. Runner 8 hasn't said a word. I thought that I liked silence till now. Someone say something! We were a good mile into the forest before someone spoke up. 

"Alright, Abel Township, now clear. About ten zoms on our tail. How are you guys holding up?" Runner 8 spoke into her headset. 

"Er, not good, Runner 8." Sam replied back. "We're kinda, well, the motors are shot. Looks like something got in there and chewed it up--" 

Runner 8 went into another coughing fit. "Sorry about that. Bad chest cold. So do you guys want more time?" 

"The longer you can keep the zoms away the better." Sam said. 

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