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by: anaen013

"The Master does not want mirrors here."

That is the number one rule in the mansion. Mirrors are strictly prohibited. The reason? No one knows. And no one must know. It is a dark secret that he had been trying so hard to bury but haunts him still.

For mirrors show reflection of a sin he once gravely committed. A sin he managed to escape but still got him.

The evil that he did... it lurks within him.


He had her pinned down the wall as he stripped her off her clothes and dignity. He suckled her skin with kisses that she disgusted. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, exposing expanse of her neck which he sucked to his delight and to her repugnance. She tried to squirm out of his body trap but she could not outdo his strength. And all she could do was to helplessly cry and plea which he just ignored.

"Please... please... stop... I am begging you..."

"YOU WILL NEVER BE RICHARD!" She suddenly screamed at him. He stopped his ministration and looked at her tear-stained face. She glared back at him with intense anger in her eyes. "You will never be like your brother."

He gritted his teeth and with a quick move, he cupped her face. "Why can't you like me? We look exactly the same. And whatever Richard can do, I can do fucking better."


And he silenced her as he attacked her mouth and continued his aggression.

And in the silence of the night, there were her endless cries and pleas, the sound of her nails scraping down the wall as he relentlessly forced himself into her, punctuated by the cackle of his evil laugh. Sounds that only the two of them can hear.

"Richard is dead. You are now mine, Maine."

Then there were screams and then there is nothing.


And Alden woke up with a start. He sat up his bed, clutching his chest trying to control the rapid beating of his heart. Cold sweat ran down the side of his head. He closed his eyes but he saw the image of Maine and Richard bathing in their own blood. He shook his head but then again the screams, the cries, and the evil laugh at that night reverberated in his head.

No he did not do that... no, it was not supposed to end like that.

Then he paused, remembering their last words to him.

"You can never run away from me, twin."

"May you never rest."

He reached for the glass on his bedside table but he was taken aback when he saw his own reflection on it. He let go and sent the glass crashing down into pieces. But the biggest surprise for him was the full-length mirror facing the foot of his bed.

How did it get here? It was a firm order in the house to discard any mirrors. He was to cover it with his blanket but he was too late.

It was too late. Too late for him to avoid his gaze on his reflection. It greeted him with a smile then smirked at him.

"Miss me, twin?"


"I would like to pay you a visit. Such a beautiful night, right? Does it remind you of that night?"

"You, damn!" And he hurled the bedside lamp to the mirror, breaking them into pieces. He heaved a sigh as he stared at the shards of broken glass down the floor.

He walked back to his bed when he felt a cold hand on his shoulder...

"Den..." It was a sweet yet haunting voice of her. He slowly turned around and saw her pale face smiling at him, her wrist, slashed and dripping with blood. There was terror on his face as she approached him and caressed his cheek.

"What is with that face? Don't you want me so bad before? Why are you afraid of me now?" She raised her other hand and showed him a shard of the mirror, size just enough to reflect his face. But it was not his face that he saw there. It was Richard's with his eyes full of hate and anguish.


Alden felt his back hit the wall and in a snap, he was shocked to see Richard now in front of him, strangling his neck with his one hand. He felt his feet slowly leaving the ground and he tried to escape from his twin's grip but he punched him in the gut with his other free hand.

The memories flashed back to him. This was exactly what he did with Richard before.

"How does it feel like now?" And Richard broke into a laugh, amused of the torture he was doing to his twin. "But death would be just too easy for you." He muttered.

Maine appeared behind Richard and she smiled at him. "May you never rest."

And she struck him with a broken shard of glass.


Alden woke up with a start. His eyes roamed around his room. Everything seemed normal. It was all just a dream after all. Or was it really?

For there were bloodstain on his sheets.


A/N: Eisoptrophobia: fear of one's own reflection

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