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by: mnlwrites

There's something about the rain and her.

I've known of her since I was in highschool and it wasn't a lovely meet up. It was raining that day and my sister and I were left at home. All of a sudden a cold wind swooshed on my face while washing the dishes. I thought it was just the wind outside, but to my surprise, none of the windows were open.

I shrugged it off.

And I shouldn't have.

She followed me that day in my bedroom, like a thief in the night as if she needed to hide. I heard her walking towards my bed slowly, carrying the same breeze earlier in the kitchen.

I shouldn't be scared; I had this gift since I was a kid.

To my surprise, I was frightened.

"Rafael..." she whispered on my ear.

"I've been looking for you. At last, I found you."

I didn't move nor open my eyes for I was scared that she might be right in front of face. I can still feel her presence in my room -- cold, confused, and lonely.


"Why did you do it?" she whispered again.

I didn't respond.

"Are you just going to pretend that you don't hear me?" she snickered. I can feel her presence going near me as my head and thighs began to hurt.

"STOP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "STOP! STOP! STOP!"

I heard footsteps outside the door, and I praised the Lord that it was my father.

"RJ? What's wrong?" my father, Richard Sr. asked me.

"Nightmare, Dad. Just nightmare." I replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Dad." I lied.


Four years later, she's still here.
Four years later, I still ignore her.

To be honest, I got used to it.

Somehow, she got me more curious than scared. Sometimes she tends to be more aggressive and frustrated than the usual.

Just like today.

I was left alone in the house. It was raining so hard, news said that typhoon is about to hit the country. And little did I know, another typhoon is about to hit my home.

"It's my life it's now or never! I ain't gonna live fore –" I stopped singing.

Soft breeze touched my arm as the music changed on its own.

She's here.

I've never been so scared of Moonlight Sonata in my life.

"You used to play me this song, Rafael. Do you remember?"

I ignored her. My grandfather lied to me when he said that they will eventually go away if I ignore them. Because this girl never left and didn't even fail to make her presence felt especially when it's raining.

She's more powerful the heavier the rain is.

Soft breeze caressed my face few minutes after, and a loud bang from my sister's room followed afterwards.

I sighed.

Maybe, it's about time that I finally talk to her even if I never really talk to her kind. I slowly walked towards Riza's room and counted to three before walking inside.

A flowery fragrance welcomed me as I entered the room. I found her sitting on the edge of Riza's bed. She's glowing like a star and opaque as a sheer curtain with a wavy shoulder length hair, wearing a white dress. Her head was bowed down while I hear her cry.

"Rafael... why?" she whispered.

"I am not Rafael." I answered for the first time. She slowly lifted her head, seemingly surprised that I responded.

I finally saw her beautiful face. A doe-eyed girl with cleft chin, the only thing that's missing was her smile.

"Stop lying to me, Rafael! I know it's you!" She yelled yet her lips did not move.

"Please, you have go with the light. You have to rest in peace." I said.

"HOW DARE YOU! YOU KILLED ME THAT RAINY NIGHT! I LOVED YOU YET YOU USED ME! WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" she screamed, and teleport in front of me. Believe me, it was not the sight you'd like to imagine. I had to look at her bloodshot eyes, with blood dripping from her head. The white dress turned into muddy dress with bloodstain near her private area.

Another cold wind came in seconds later, and I can't remember what happened after.

I woke up with no recollection about that day aside from her lonely face.

I heard a soft knock on my door.

"RJ? Can I come in?" My grandfather asked. I answered yes and he walked inside with a cup of coffee.

"RJ, about what happened last night..."

"What happened?" I curiously asked.

"I think it's about time to tell you this. You see, Nicomaine was part of your past. I dreamed of this and I knew one day she's coming for you. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought if I continue to ignore her, she'll leave eventually." I answered.

My grandfather sighed.

"Nicomaine was your former lover and you killed her in your past life, RJ. You were once a hired killer and her sister hired you to kill Nicomaine because of family feud. You were once... Rafael." He explained.

I was stunned.


So there's a reason why she never left.

There's a reason why I feel lonely every time it rains.

"I knew it was you..." I heard her whisper in my ear.


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