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Grace stood in the doorway awkwardly. She really didn't know what to say to her friends at this point. Part of her was happy that Hannah had called Mamrie over, it would be one less time she had to tell the story, but then again, it doubled her nervousness. She watched the two of them watch her. None of them wanted to speak first, everyone seemed to be holding their breath.

A small whine from Ayla brought her mother to attention. Grace was across the room, pulling the little girl into her arms in a heartbeat. She hadn't really woken up, just made a noise in her sleep, but Grace felt better once she was safely back in her grasp.

Hannah and Mamrie had stood from the spots on the bed. They glanced back and forth at one another, silently begging the other to go first.

"Ayla? That is a pretty name." Hannah nervously ran her hand through her hair.

A small smile crossed Grace's face. "It means halo." She muttered softly, her eyes watching her daughter burrow her face into the crook of her neck.

"That's really sweet, Grace." Mamrie said in a voice barely above a whisper.

She watched Grace hold her baby. It made her heart ache. She had missed so much of that little girl's life already. She and Hannah had missed their best friend becoming a mother and coming into her role. Grace, who never wanted children, who hated children, looked so natural holding that little girl.

"Maybe we should all get some rest? Grace, you looked zonked, and I'm sure Ayla will sleep better laying in a bed. Mames you can stay too. It's just too late to have that serious talk tonight." Hannah offered. She really wanted answers, but right now she wanted to keep this feeling going. Her heart was elated that Grace was here, and Ayla. She knew there was trouble, but for tonight they could all just rest peacefully and deal with the hard stuff in the morning.

Grace nervously shifted back and forth. Mamrie let out a sigh.

"Sure thing, Mini Hart, but I'm bunking with you. I'm too old for that damn couch."

The three of them laughed lightly.

"Grace, you know where the guest room is. Do you need anything? Does she have everything?" Hannah had no idea of what needs the little girl might have, and she certainly didn't have any of the things laying around the house."

Grace shook her head. "I will need to run to the store in the morning, we are okay tonight." She had turned to head to the guest room, then stopped. Her throat felt suddenly tight with emotion. "I can't thank you enough for letting me show up in the middle of the night and taking us in. I know I have been a shitty friend and I don't deserve..."

Hannah cut her off. "Grace, you are our best friend. I don't know what is going on, but I'm all in to help." She put a comforting hand on the taller woman's shoulder. "The past few years have been hell, but I'll be dammed if I let you slip away again."

Grace let out a sob. She had needed to hear those words for so long. To have someone in her corner, to have anyone care.

Mamrie stepped forward. "Gracie, I'm here too. Don't push us away. We love you and this little one so much."

Another sob, Grace just let the tears come. It felt good to get it out. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she was exactly where she needed to be.

"Mama" Ayla's high pitched voice broke into Grace's sleep fogged mind.

For a moment, she didn't remember her surroundings. Her eyes snapped open to be greeted with her daughter's smiling face right beside her. The little girl had always been happy upon awakening.

"Hi," Grace whispered with a lazy smile. She reached out to grab Ayla's tiny hand.

The little girl gave a loud shriek at the attention. "Hi Mama!" She proceeded to maneuver herself on top of Grace and planted an open mouthed kiss on her mother's nose.

Grace giggled as she wrapped her arms around the tiny girl. She felt so free and careless for the first time in forever. There was no waking up in the middle of the night to deal with a drunk husband. There was no painful blows or harsh words. No, she was able to actually relax and get a good night's sleep.

"Did you sleep good, Aylie?" Grace's voice was still a whisper. It seemed almost rude to break the quiet spell of peace around them with raised voices.

Ayla giggled, then rested her head on her mother's chest, her little hand grasped the hem of her t-shirt.

Grace just kept them like that for a moment, enjoying the feeling of her daughter against her and the feeling of peace. She knew the spell would break soon enough. She would be telling her story over and over to so many different people. Some would sympathize, some would probably blame her. It hurt to think of those people, but she knew they were out there, waiting to judge every decision she had made over the past few years.

"Umm...Grace?" Hannah's voice called from the doorway. "Are you awake?"

Before she could reply, Goose bounded across the room and hopped on the bed, causing an excited squeal to escape the little girl.

"Morning Goosie!" Grace allowed the dog to slobber all over her and Ayla, then pushing her away gently.

She looked up to Hannah awkwardly standing in the doorway.

"Morning, Hannah."

"Mah, Annie!" Ayla mimicked, tugging on Goose's right ear.

The shorter blonde's face lit up at the little girl's words. It made her so happy to hear them.

"Do you like your Aunt Annie?" She watched Grace tickle to baby's side. "I think Annie likes you a little."

Hannah blushed, it was true, she was truly a sucker when it came to small children, not to mention when it came to her best friend's daughter.

Grace's laugh brought her back to attention. "Do you, umm want to take her? If you don't mind? I kinda want to freshen up."

Ecstatic at the thought of spending time with the little girl, Hannah nodded vigorously. She ran towards the bed and grabbed up the little girl.

At first, Ayla was resistant. She didn't really know Hannah, but one smile from her Mama, and she was giggling with delight as Hannah spun her in a circle.

Grace watched the two with a lump in her throat. This could have been their lives. If she would have left Josh sooner, then she and Ayla could have been surrounded by people who loved them and were genuinely happy to see them.

She shook her head, there was no good in dwelling on the past. She only had a few days to get things in motion before her husband realized she was missing.

"Let's go, Ayla! Let's wake up Mamrie!" She heard Hannah cackle as she raced down the hall with the little girl.

Grace giggled, yep, she was making the right choice.

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