Mamrie Comes to Save the Day

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Mamrie would know how to fix this!

Mamrie always knows how to fix everything. Hannah told herself as she quickly composed a message to her best friend. The redhead wouldn't be awake yet, she was expected at the house later that morning, but Hannah needed her here now, she needed Mamrie to stop the gut wrenching sobs that continued to echo from Grace's room.

Hannah hadn't meant for her words to come off as they did. She didn't mean for Grace to think she wasn't happy she was here. None of it should have been taken the way it sounded.

But Grace took it the wrong way.

Hannah should have known, really, that today Grace would be extremely vulnerable. She knew she had ruined what would have been a sweet moment between the two of them.

And it hurt.

Now, she had spent the last few hours listening to her best friend sob. Each new gasp for breath felt like it was ripping her soul apart. Hannah had cried too. She cried for her own screw up, she cried for Grace, she cried for the situation.

Luckily, Mamrie instantly replied to her text and showed up on her doorstep twenty minutes later.

"What did you do?" Was the redheads greeting.

Hannah looked at her mismatched socked feet. She mumbled an explanation quickly before Mamrie stamped off down the hall, closing the door of the bedroom firmly behind her.

Mamrie hadn't meant to snap at Hannah, but when it came to Grace and the current situation, she felt a strong sense of protectiveness for her best friend. When Grace had showed up last week, she had vowed to not let her friend go again. She had told Hannah over and over, in secret of course, that if she could not handle Grace and Ayla, Mamrie would gladly take them to her place.

When she entered the guest room, she could feel her heart squeeze achingly in her chest. It physically hurt to see Grace so upset.

The blond sat in the middle of the bed tears running down her flushed cheeks, she didn't even acknowledge Mamrie's entrance. Ayla sat beside her, her big brown eyes looked up to the redhead with such pleading that it nearly sent her into tears, even Goose gave her a pleading whine, as if begging her to do something.

"Gracie?" Mamrie's voice wavered as she moved closer to her distraught friend. "Honey, it's Mames, I need you to calm down and talk to me."

Grace gave a hollow laugh through her tears. "Did Hannah call you?"

Mamrie nodded. "Of course, she is worried."

Another sob erupted from Grace's throat, it made Mamrie wince.

"What's gotten into you, honey?"

The older woman was patient as Grace pulled herself together a bit so she could reply.

Once Grace's sobs died down into sniffles, Mamrie laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's okay to be scared honey, but we aren't going anywhere."

Grace glared up at her friend. "Hannah asked how we got into this mess. She doesn't want me here."

Mamrie felt her heart squeeze a bit tighter in her chest again. "Come on, Grace, if that were true, then you know good and well that she couldn't have allowed you stay here. Hannah loves you to pieces, she is head over heels for that baby."

Mamrie scooped little Ayla into her arms, the child still seemed rather wary, but she snuggled into the embrace, her little brown eyes never left her mother.

Grace leaned forward to brush some stray hair out of Ayla's face. Deep down, she knew Mamrie was right. Everything just frightened her so much. What if Hannah didn't want this? She didn't want to be a burden to her friends. Now, with her resurfacing feelings for Hannah, and the struggle to know what was appropriate or not in her current situation, Hannah's words had cut her like a knife. The last thing she wanted on top of everything else was to ruin this friendship.

Her head was a complete and utter mess.

Mamrie, as always, stayed patient.

"You know I love you to pieces. We haven't really sat and talked about all the shit that went down when you left, because it is old news. It killed me, Grace. I felt like you ripped my heart out and stepped on it, but I knew you had your reasons." She laid Ayla's head on her shoulder, the child's eyes had begun to grow heavy. Subconsciously, Mamrie began to rock her body slightly. "But Hannah? Hannah was absolutely devastated, Grace. I didn't know if I would lose her too a few times. I had to physically stop her from going to New York to find you. It tore her to pieces. Now that she has you back, she isn't letting go. And neither am I. I love you, Grace, and I love this baby so much that it scares me sometimes. I don't want to wake up again and you have disappeared. I don't want to find out some asshole has been abusing you for two years and I wasn't there to stop it. We want to help you, but you have to to let us in. I know that is hard for Grace 'Repressed' Helbig, but we are best friends. Hell, we are your sisters! We aren't letting you go that easy."

Grace has began to cry quietly at Mamrie's declaration. She knew that everything the woman had said was 100% true. Mamrie had never been one to dance around any subject.

Still, it plagued the back of her mind, how much could the two of them actually take? When was a line drawn? When would it be unfair for her to continue to take advantage of the two of them any longer? She didn't want to stick around to figure it out.

A dark thought crept into the back of her mind.

Maybe it would be simpler to just go back to Josh?

No! She couldn't think like that.

Grace began internally working up the courage to say what she had wanted to say to her friends since she had gotten here days ago. She had kept it secret, worried it would be what finally broke the last straw and became too much for them.

"Mamrie, I'm pregnant."

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