Champange Memories

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Hannah didn't think that she had ever been happier in her life than the moment she watched Grace walk through the doorway that afternoon.

Both Mamrie and Grace looked very pleased with themselves. It warmed Hannah's heart to actually see her best friend smiling again.

"Mama!" Ayla's shriek brought her back to reality.

Hannah quickly jumped from the couch, holding the girl, and pushed her into Grace's waiting arms.

Grace held the baby close for a long moment. She said nothing, just took in the sweet baby smell of her daughter and the feeling of someone being so happy that she walked through the door. "Aylie! Where you good for Annie?" She asked the little girl as she went to settle her on her hip.

Her eyes darted to Hannah, who blushed a deep scarlet.

"It was an experience for the both of us." She mumbled before excusing herself to the other room with Mamrie.

Hannah said nothing as she followed her friend into the small kitchen area, sure she had questions, but she didn't want to bombard Grace with them right off the bat.

"So?" She questioned as soon as the two of them were out of earshot.

Mamrie was rifling through cabinets, looking for the top shelf liquor that she knew Hannah kept stashed in case of emergencies. Once she found the half full bottle of vodka, she poured herself a healthy serving before taking a drink and turning to Hannah.

"Well," she started, allowing the fire in her throat to soothe, "I almost punched a geriatric and Grace cried, a lot."

Hannah's heart fell. How was that even possible? They had looked so pleased when they walked in. Traitorous tears began to well in her eyes. For a moment Hannah felt completely helpless. All she wanted to do was make things better for Grace and Ayla. She loved the both of them so much, this just wasn't fair!

A soothing had touched her shoulder, she looked up to see Mamrie smile. "Han," she said gently, "The first guy was a bust, but a nice old woman gave us a card of another lawyer. She said yes!"

A happy sob erupted from Hannah's throat. This was wonderful! She gave Mamrie a light punch in the arm. "Don't scare me like that!"

Mamrie downed the last of her vodka. "Pranked you so hard." She teased.


Later that night, after a slightly tipsy Mamrie had been safely deposited in an UBER to get home, Hannah and Grace fell gratefully onto the awaiting couch.

"Want some red wine?" Hannah asked tiredly, she didn't drink often anymore, but tonight felt like a bit of a celebration of sorts. "Oh! Or I have a bottle of champagne? I have had champagne since that night at the lake house!"

Grace's cheeks burned slightly at the vague memories of the night she and Hannah had rented out a lake house just outside of the city. Mamrie had bailed on them, so they ended up way too intoxicated and way too free with their feelings.

"I mean! Oh God, I didn't think about that!" Hannah stumbled over her words, her own face growing hot. "I just thought we could celebrate you getting a decent lawyer."

Grace ran a nervous hand through her hair, she knew Hannah had meant no harm. That night was something she didn't think about often. Soon after she had found out she was pregnant, then Josh asked her to marry him and move to New York. No, that night had been buried deep in her mind.

"It's fine, Hannah," Grace assured her friend with a nervous laugh. "It was a long time ago, so much has happened since then. Besides, I don't drink a whole lot these days. Not with Aylie breastfeeding still and everything."

The shorter of the two didn't know what to say. She herself hadn't thought of that night in a very long time. It had hurt at first, with the feelings that were expressed that night being so raw and open, then to just have Grace come up pregnant and engaged. It had fucked her up for a long time. She eventually learned to live with it, especially after thinking she would never see Grace again.

The two of them soon lapsed into a tense silence. Neither of them quite knew the right words at this point. Hannah regretted mentioning champagne, Grace regretted mentioning that night.

After a very tense quarter of an hour, Hannah jumped from the couch, she soon returned with a healthy glass of red wine and a wine glass full of what looked like sparkling cider for Grace.

"Just pretend." She joked as she handed the other woman the glass.

Grace took it gratefully, thankfully for Hannah's silliness to lighten the mood. It was her first night in a long time without worry for Ayla. She could just relax with her best friend and sip on pretend alcohol. That was all she really needed.

The two mindlessly chatted about nothing. Grace asked about various youtubers' current whereabouts and Hannah was careful not to ask any prying questions. It felt felt comfortable.

Suddenly, a thump, followed by the shrill cry of a baby broke the bubble the two had formed around them. Goose, who had loyally taken her seat beside Grace's feet, jumped up and ran to the guest room. She was quickly followed by Grace and Hannah.

"Oh god! Aylie!" Grace cried as she found her baby lying on the floor beside the bed. The little girl must have crawled over the pillow cocoon she had created and tumbled off the bed.

Goose whines pitifully as she attempted to calm the baby with soothing licks to the forehead. Ayla screamed as if someone were murdering her, Hannah just stood awkwardly of of the way, unsure of what she needed.

Grace swiftly picked her daughter up and checked her over for injuries. After insuring it was nothing more than a scare from hitting the carpeted floor, she soothed the little girl with gentle whispers and kisses.

"It's okay, little love," she whispered as she bounced the child softly in her arms. "Hannah, can you grab that pink blanket off the bed? It's her favorite."

Grace made her way out of the room to get more comfortable on the couch. A dazed Hannah snapped to attention, grabbed the soft blanket and followed after the mother and daughter.

"Here you go Ay-" her voice cut off as her eyes landed on her best friend's breast, or half of it.

Grace had sat on the couch and pulled her shirt up for the little girl. She knew what Ayla needed in this sort of situation. It was comforting, it was safe. She said nothing at Hannah's gaping mouth and shocked expression. Maybe she should have warned her.

Instead, she grabbed the blanket and covered her nursing daughter and the rest of her chest.

"You'd think Annie's never seen boobs before, Aylie." She joked, sending a wink Hannah's way.

A/N Was this awkward? Was it bad? I don't know, you tell me...
Also...thoughts on this being possibly Hartbig? Or maybe Mace? Or even none of the above? Feedback is appreciated! ❤️

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