Phone Call

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"Mamrie, I'm pregnant." It was like every single cell in her brain decided to shut down at the same time. Her entire body went numb, her heart ceased to beat, her lungs refused to push air in and out.

How could she be pregnant again?

Honestly, if she had to say it, though she would never say it, she felt betrayed.

Why would Grace do this, again?

But that wasn't fair at all.

The time spent in New York was still shrouded in mystery. There would probably always be some things that they never spoke about. Some wounds would never heal, and others that should not be ripped back open by bringing them up.

A new feeling began to emerge.

Why hadn't Grace told her?

She thought back to their talks over the past few days. Grace had ample opportunity to bring up this bombshell, but she hadn't.

Had she not trusted her with this news?

Did she really think she would blame her for it?

Hannah froze.

For the last few moments since hearing the words through Grace's closed door, she had blamed her.

She had been angry that Grace had failed to mention another baby's existence. For a moment, she had felt betrayed and slightly used.

But that wasn't fair at all.

Obviously Grace was terrified. How could she not be? Getting one child out of her situation had been hard enough, the though of doing it with two had probably been impossible feeling.

Josh really didn't deserve anything of those people in that room.

Hannah's heart began to ache as another round of sobs floated from behind the door. She couldn't hold it in any longer. Without thinking, she swung the door open and ran inside.

"Hannah!" Mamrie's slightly taken aback voice yelled at her as she flung herself on Grace.

But the blonde woman ignored her. All she wanted in this moment was to bundle Grace up and hold her until the pain stopped. She wanted to fix all of this.

It wasn't fair!

Grace allowed herself to relax in the comforting arms. Mamrie said nothing, she knew this was needed. Maybe it didn't quite play out in the best way, she should have known Hannah was listening outside the door, but for right now it was okay.

"You know talk. I'm taking the nugget to get some breakfast." She lifted herself from the bed, Ayla secured in her arms, and left the room. "Come on, Goose."

Mamrie carried the little girl to the kitchen and sat her on the counter.

"So, breakfast?" She questioned.

"Fest?" Ayla mimicked, her eyes lighting up when Mamrie smiled at her.

The redhead busied herself with throwing together a bowl of cereal for the little girl. She watched quietly as Ayla attempted to independently shove spoonfuls into her mouth, before giving up and using her hands.

Occupied by the tiny child on the counter in front of her, Mamrie almost didn't hear her phone ring.

Quickly grabbing it, and without looking at the caller ID she held it to her ear.


The other line was silent for a long moment before a voice spoke that made her blood run cold in her veins.

"Morning, Mamrie."

Mamrie said nothing for a long moment. She stared intently at the little girl on the counter who obliviously ate her breakfast.

"Come on, Mame, don't act like your are surprised to hear from me."

She shook her head to regain focus, there was no way she could lose her cool.

"Why are you calling me? Is Grace okay?"

Ayla's head lifted at the mention of her mother's name, luckily she stayed quiet.

The man on the other side of the phone chuckled, it made a shiver race down the back of her spine.

"Really, Mamrie? Am I honestly supposed to believe you don't know what is going on?" The man sounded very amused by here playing dumb.

The redhead swallowed thickly. She had keep acting like she knew nothing. Why did he call her anyway? Her of all people!

"Josh, I don't know what the hell you are talking about. I haven't heard from you in well over a year. Is Grace and the baby okay?" She used her best acting skills to sound throughly concerned, this got her another laugh.

"Oh Mamrie Hart, always the comic. I'm not stupid. I know she is there, and I know she has my kid with her. This is me politely asking you to put her on the damn phone." His voice had taken a sharper edge. He was beginning to lose patience.

Still, Mamrie kept her cool. "Did she finally leave your dumb ass? I'm glad. You never deserved her anyway."

She jumped slightly when he banged what she could only assume was his fist down on a hard surface. Ayla's head once again snapped up, this time the little girl looked worried. Mamrie prayed she wouldn't make a sound and give them away.

"Goddammit you insufferable bitch!" He yelled, "I know she is there. She might not be right next to you, but I fucking know she is there! You are not going to keep them away from me, Mamrie!"

There was the usual outburst she had grown accustomed to when speaking to Josh. Their conversations rarely ended without some shouting. The last time she could remember a real conversation with him was the day he called to tell her Grace had given birth early and the baby would possibly not make it.

That had been the first time she met Ayla. Tiny, and trapped inside a plastic incubator in the New York Memorial Hospital NICU. Josh had only allowed her to see Grace for a moment during a time she had been asleep.

Leaving them that day had broken her heart.

"I'm not doing anything!" Mamrie let her own voice rise slightly, she regretted it when Ayla shrank away from her in fear. "If she finally left you then that is wonderful."

Now his voice had dropped to almost a hiss, he was angry. "You tell my wife, that she has one month to get her ass back home with Ayla, or I am coming to drag them both home myself. I'm not playing games, Mamrie. I'll let her have this little fun vacation, but she will not make a fool out of me. Do you understand?"

Mamrie gulped. She really didn't know what to say, her hand was shaking. She was slightly terrified.


A/N Well that got dramatic....I personally enjoy some drama ;) comment and vote if you liked it!

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