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Portland Community College

'Man, I can't believe I let Mabel talk me into taking this art class.' Wendy thought as she walked into the art room and set down behind one of the easels, 'Just cause I needed to get a few extra credits to finally finish off my degree, she suggest a drawing class, "Should be easy for you" she said, "It'll be nothing but fun.". Yeah, right. She knows the only time I'm artistically inclined is when I'm carving.'

She goes ahead and gets her sketch pad out and the grabs her utensils. 'But she was insistent "Being able to draw out you carvings will help you in the long run". But so far all we have been drawing is fruits or vases or other still life drek.'. While still digging through her bag for her gum eraser the teacher walks in and starts talking.

"Attention class, today we start working on anatomy. We have brought in a special model for today's class. We will be working on drawing Conrad." Ms. Emerson said to the class before turning to somebody behind a partition, "Please step out and strike a pose for the class." she said speaking to the model as he stepped out.

Wendy was still digging for the eraser when she heard the girls next to her.

"Man, I'm glad I took this class. This guy is hot."

"I wonder where they got him, he's not from this school. Believe me I'd know."

"Is it against class policy to attempt to date the models."

'Finally there's that dang eraser.' she thought as she started to sit up to get a look at this guy all the girls are gawking at. As she looked up the first thing she noticed is the guy has a nice runner's build, thin but muscled. The next is she knows him, "DIPPER?"

"WENDY?", Dipper says as he breaks the pose, grabs his robe, and runs behind the partition.

'I knew I should've been suspicious when Mabel suggested I take a part time job as an art class model to earn some extra money.' Dipper thought as he got behind the wall.

She ran up and talked to him around the wall, "What are you doing here?"

"I needed some extra funds for items I needed for my thesis research and Mabel told me she knew of a job that would be legal, easy to do, and help with some of my social anxiety, all for a reasonable amount of money." Dipper said as he pulled his pants up.

"Of course, Mabel." Wendy said putting 2&2 together. "This is another one of her attempts to get us together."

"Looks like we'll have to come clean or she's gonna keep coming up with schemes like this." Dipper said coming around the wall.

"That's why I love you Dip, always so practical."She said as she pulled him into a hug.

"Miss Corduroy, 'Conrad', we do still have a class going on here." Ms. Emerson said with a smirk as she reminded them they had an audience.

Wendip Week April 2016Where stories live. Discover now