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It had started out as any other day during his second summer up in Gravity Falls, a quick shower, breakfast, sitting on the porch waiting for his best friend to get to the Shack for work, and then helping Soos around the Shack. Occasionally he breaks out his new Little Mystery suit and leads a tour so Soos could go spend some time with his new bride.

He has no idea why today would turn out any different, though he should have figured it would when Soos had asked him to bring in a cute attraction or two from the forest. He thought he would just make a deal with Geoff to capture something for him or maybe just bring in a gnome as part time employee. Definitely didn't want a repeat of last years Gremgoblin episode from last year.

"Where you heading Dipper?" he heard the voice that still made his knees weak ask.

"Out running an errand for Soos. He wants something cute and safe for a new display. Getting ready to hit the woods." He said as he turned to Wendy. She was still the coolest, most beautiful girl he knew.

"No Mabel on this jaunt?" Wendy asked her boy, already knowing the answer.

"Nah, she's out having a girl's day with Grenda, Candy, & Pacifica. Something about a spa and massage package." Dipper said, not able to comprehend the appeal of intentionally getting oneself sweaty, being dipped in mud, and being groped by a stranger.

"Want some help? Melody just took over the desk so all I'd be doing is sweeping." She asked

"Of course I'd like some help. Better make sure it's cool with Soos though.", Dipper responded, glad that she had offered. He is always happy to get a chance to hang out with his 16 year old crush.

Wendy walked up to the door and upon opening it yelled, "Soos, I'm gonna go with Dipper."

She returned to him and with a smirk said, "Done, let's go."

They headed out through the woods. And after a little while it seemed they were gonna strike out. Dipper finally pulled out the binder that help the photocopies Grunkle Stan had made of Journal 3. He motioned for them to sit down while he was flipping through the pages.

"Have you even realized where we are?" Wendy asked as she watched him with his head stuck in the 3 ring binder.

"Hmm," was all he said at first till he felt her hand on his shoulder. He looked up and after staring at her a little to long he looked around and realized they were sitting on the same log were he had fully confessed last year and also where she had attempted to let him down gently. "We're at the log by the bunker." His heart sunk a little by the realization.

"Don't look so down. Yeah, there are some tough memories associated with this spot. But it doesn't have to always be this way. I know I said last year that I was too old for you, but that was then. Who knows what the future will hold for us, man. Let's make a promise, Every year during the second weekend of July we'll come here to make good memories and work on relieving the awkwardness we both associate with this place." she holds out her hand.

"I promise," Dipper says as he grabs her hand, she then pulls him into a hug.

Saturday July 12th, 2014

"Alright Dip, I'll go out with you. You finally deserve it." the 17 year old Wendy says.

Saturday July 14th, 2018

"Wendy Corduroy, will you make me the happiest man in Gravity Falls and marry me?" Dipper asked his girlfriend of the last four years while down on one knee at their spot.

"Yes." Wendy replied as he slid the ruby ring on her finger, what they didn't know is that Mabel is behind the same bush she had hid behind 6 years ago doing a fist pump.

Saturday July 11th, 2020

"Do you Wendy Berble Corduroy, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health till death do you part." Soos says as he officiates the wedding of two of his best friends.

"I do." Wendy replies

Soos turns to Dipper and intones, "And do you Marlon Adam Pines, swear to do everything I just said to Wendy?"

"I do." Dipper said as looked deep into Wendy's eyes.

"Well by the power vested in me by the State of Oregon, I now pronounce you Husband & Wife. You may kiss the bride, dawg!" Soos said with a tear in his eye.

And Dipper hadn't even needed to be told. 

Wendip Week April 2016Where stories live. Discover now