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Piedmont, California May 27, 2016

Dipper's room

"And then she nearly side swiped the Driver's Ed instructor's car as she was pulling back into the school's parking lot." Dipper chuckled as he's is video chatting with Wendy

"Man I wish I could've seen it." Wendy smiled, then her face shifted, "She's gotta be bummed out though. This'll be two summer's in a row that she 'can't drive' while she's up here."

"She'll still talk Stan into letting her drive. And Durland and Blubbs will still believe any fake ID she makes. Though this year I'm not breaking her out of jail." Dipper said with a smirk. "So what ordinary weirdness am I gonna be in for once we get up there?"

"Well Tambry and Robbie nearly eloped last weekend." Wendy said "His dad caught him climbing out of his window."

"So what he's 20 and she's 19 right?" Dipper asked a little confused.

"Yeah, but both sets of parents have been putting money together to host a big wedding and they don't want that. Heck, I think they were gonna try to hit a Vegas wedding chapel or something." Wendy said scrunching her face like she really didn't relish the idea of either type of wedding.

"Yeah, personally when I get married I want to just have it be only the closest of friends and family. No big church and definitely no cheap Vegas chapel, out in the open air. Preferably somewhere that already has a special meaning." Dipper said somewhat staring into space and mainly staring into the eyes of his girlfriend.

"Ok, man. You need to stop doing that." Wendy said.

"Huh." Dipper said a little confused

"You need to stop reading my mind. Doofus." Wendy said with a smile on her face. "That sound's like my dream wedding to a T. Only thing I'd add is to possibly have a friend officiate."

"Yeah that would be nice." he said still staring at her beautiful green eyes.

They sat and just looked at each other for awhile. They seemed to be having a whole conversation without saying a word. It was times like this they realized even when they were hundreds of miles apart the were still together in their hearts. 

Wendip Week April 2016Where stories live. Discover now