Untitled Part 5

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Outside of Greasy's Diner Sunday August 10th, 2014 7:30 PM

Wendy was really worried, she had been searching for Dipper for an hour now. Around noon he went out to check of stuff at the Bunker and had promised to be back before she got off work. He never showed. As soon as Soos let her, she grabbed her flannel shirt and ran out the door looking for him. The Bunker was the first place she hit and after all their trips here the last few years to keep an eye on the Shapeshifter, she was an old hack at traversing the various traps. He was no where to be found. Next she hit up the Gnomes. They hadn't seen him.

She tried calling him, but it went straight to his voice mail. The sky was getting darker and not only due to it the sun slowly setting. So she had finally headed in town to see if he had went ahead to Greasy's. The downpour start just as she was opening the door to the diner.

Seeing Lazy Susan, Wendy waved her hand and prepared to ask the waitress if she had seen Dipper. It was then she caught Susan take a furtive glance at the last booth. Wendy marched straight to the booth and saw Dipper sitting with his back to her and with her hat still on and across from him was that rich blond tart, Pacifica. She grabbed his drink and tossed it in his face before he could react. Turning to Pacifica she said, "You can have him." and she ran back out into the rain.

'How could he do this to her, he was supposed to be different. He was her little hero, her boy, her one.' Wendy was thinking as she ran in the rain to get as far away from Dipper Pines as she could. But she had barely made it half a block before he caught up to her.

"Wendy, wait up. It's not what you think. Please hear me out." Dipper was asking as he tried to match her stride. "As I was coming back to the Shack Mabel keel hauled me, she said she needed my emotional support for something she was gonna do and it wouldn't take long."

"Sure, and that's why you were sharing a booth with Miss Mudflapp. You were supposed to be different Dipper, you were supposed to be better, you were supposed to be mine. You had loved me for so long, I guess when you got me, it wasn't what you wanted," she yelled as tried to push herself away from him. She was glad it was raining as it covered her tears and she didn't like anyone to see her like that, especially him.

He gently held on to her, "Please listen to me, I wasn't there for her. She's the reason Mabel wanted my support. They've been becoming better friends and, well, Mabel wanted me there when she asked Paz to go on a date with her."

"Wait, what?" Wendy said surpirsed. "What did Blondie say?"

"I don't know and right now I'm more worried about what you're saying." Dipper said as he tried to hug her lightly. "I am yours and only yours. I love you Wendy. You're exactly what I wanted and I already knew it."

"I love you to, Dip." Wendy said hugging him back.

Dipper finally moved away from the hug and pulled a little sheet of drenched paper out of his pocket. "You know, I had something written for if you had turned me down this year. I was gonna give it to you when the summer was over this year so you'd have something think about during the school year, but since you said yes I added another verse. It's a little wet so I guess I'll just have to sing it for you."

"What?" Wendy said remembering him singing Babba that first summer and not wanting to break into laughter as he's trying to be so serious, " You don't have to..."

Dipper took a breathe and started

I saw her again today

And my heart went pitter patter

But alas we're only friends

So these feelings don't matter




Well his voice has definitely matured with the rest of him.

Here she comes my way

With her smile so sweet

Her eyes shone my favorite hue

And her personality can't be beat




He gently grabbed her chin and kissed the tip of her nose causing her to smile.

And lo many are the times

With our friends we gather

It's only because she's there

That is all that really matters




He pulled her under an awning to get her out of the rain as he continued to sing.

These feelings I hold

I've known from their start

That should she say no

I couldn't stand a broken heart




He stood just outside the awning's cover and continued.

I said what the hell

and I took my stand

I said my piece

and she took my hand


I said my piece

and she took my hand

As he finished he reached his hand out, when she took it he pulled her back into the rain and dipped her into a kiss.

They stood there laughing for a bit before she asked, "Quick question though. Why didn't you answer you're phone when I called?"

He pulled his phone out and looked at it, "Hmm, it looks like I may have fried it when I used the Magna Gun earlier."

"There you two are. I'm so sorry I kidnapped Dipper," Mabel said as she and Pacifica approached hand in hand, "You ok?"

"We're good, it was all a misunderstanding, you?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah, we're good," Mabel said with a smile, "though I do want to get out of this rain."

The lyrics above started out as a poem I wrote a few years over a crush, called Unrequited. I modified the poem by adding the choruses and the last verse to make it more of a song.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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