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Gravity Falls Saturday June 17th, 2017 11:43 PM

Near the Falls

'They have been chasing us for nearly 5 hours, if I hadn't twisted my ankle we would've been back to the safety of the shack. I shouldn't have brought Wendy along on this expedition but I wanted her to see the Lunar Lilies, they only bloom once a decade and according to Grunkle Ford tonight was to be the night. But instead we've ran into a family of Coin-Sìth, Scottish hellhounds.' Dipper was thinking as he limped while being supported by Wendy

"Alright Dipper. I don't know what they're feeding you at that California University you taking classes at, but you need to stop eating it. Whatever happened to my lil boy." She teased him trying to keep his mind off of his ankle.

"I went and had another growth spurt, You just don't like that you have to look up to me n-ooww!" Dipper said as he attempted to put pressure on his ankle while he wasn't thinking. He almost fell down right then even with her holding him up. "I don't know if I can go on. I'm just holding you back, it's like you said I'm not the little kid who you used to be able to throw over you shoulder and carry off if there ever was trouble we couldn't handle. Now I want you to get going. They've barked twice, if we're not somewhere safe by their third bark our fates are sealed. I don't want you to die because of me, so pleas" and he was stopped suddenly by a slap from his beautiful girl friend.

"Ok listen here, Dipper. I've told you one more than one occasion what I'd do if I ever lost our friendship, what do you think I'd do if I knew I lost you because I left you out here. Now we're gonna take a moment here and then I'm gonna make you a splint. If I'm gonna die tonight it's gonna be with you." Wendy said as she looked at him and then pulled him into a kiss. "Now while I get the wood and something to tie it off with I want you to lightly loosen, but do not untie you shoe. I'll just need to be able to put the branches that I get in to help support you're ankle. You stay here and get your taser pistol out to be ready, ok."

After a few minutes she was back and quick to work on his ankle. Once she felt it was good enough she helped him to his feet. They both stood with their back to the tree he was leaning against when she finally spoke up again, "They're still out there I can feel them watching us, what are they waiting for?"

"I don't know," Dipper answered, "but thank you for setting me straight and staying with me. I love you."

"Hey, I can't leave my man behind. I love you, too." Wendy said as she reached over with her free hand to squeeze his. "You know I've been thinking about what you said earlier. You said we had to be 'somewhere safe' to be free, well I've always felt to safest when I'm with you. You treat me with more respect than I've ever seen anybody do before outside of one of those Greeting Card romance movies. You may be taller than me now but you'll always be my lil dork."

"And you'll always be my lumberjack princess." at that his alarm on his phone went off. "And there goes my chance to show you the Lunar Lilies for another decade. Another romantic gesture shot down by these woods. Wait did you hear that?"

The third bark they had been waiting on had finally happened, but much farther than the first one they had heard. Apparently they had found a safe place, with each other.

"Alright let's get going, we still have a ways to go and even with the splint it's gonna be rough on you." Wendy said as she took the arm from his injured side and placed it over her shoulders. "And Dip. The next time you want to do something romantic at midnight, Let's just go up to the roof and look at the stars.

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